Page 26 of Stone

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After what seemed like hours but was really only a few minutes, I heard creaking from the wooden board used to build the front porch. Elio walked over to open the door, and Maverick slipped up the stairs.

Racer and I drew our guns, holding them so that we were each trained on one of the men. When we heard the front door close, we moved through the hall into the living room.

“Hate to interrupt this little father and son reunion,” Racer drawled, making both men whirl in our direction.

They went for their weapons but froze when I put a bullet in the ground right between Elio’s legs. “I wouldn’t do that, asshole. You wouldn’t even be able to pull your gun before I blew your fucking head off.”

“Sounds like fun,” Racer said with a snicker. “Do you think they’d explode like pumpkins?”

I grinned, feeling a little of my wisecracking personality returning. “Watermelons,” I quipped, making him chuckle. “But we’ll have to test the theory another time. These two don’t deserve a quick death.”


Tommaso snorted in derision. “If your intent is to kill us, why are we just standing here?” He sounded bored, and my trigger finger twitched. “Waiting for someone else to come along and save your asses?”

“Nah,” Maverick drawled from the doorway behind us. “These two are the most bloodthirsty out of all of us. They were just stalling so there was no risk to Marylin while we took her outta here.”

Tommaso’s face turned red and blotchy as he took a step forward. His hand swung toward his back, but he didn’t get any farther before he screamed like a little girl, whipping his hand up to see a hole in his palm where my shot had gone straight through. “I warned you,” I said with a shrug.

Elio sputtered curses but didn’t make a move.

“Clear?” I asked Maverick.

“Yep. I’ll be outside if you need anything. Oh, wait, the walls are soundproof…too bad we won’t be able to hear their screams. Lucky Hunter, he brought a bag of toys for you.”

I chuckled as I watched the color drain from Tommaso and Elio’s faces.

Maverick’s footsteps faded behind us as another set walked in, and a second later, Hunter dropped a duffel bag on the floor and plopped down onto the couch.

“Get rid of your weapons,” I ordered.

Both men hesitated, and I cocked my gun, the sound seeming louder because of the dead silence in the room. Most guns didn’t cock anymore, but I specifically carried one that did because I got a kick out of moments like this. The simple click could scare the piss out of some people.

Father and son emptied their holsters and pockets, tossing guns, knives, and other interesting items to Hunter. He put them in a bag and threw it into the fireplace. A specific instruction we’d been given from Francesco.

Several hours later, we took our toys into the kitchen to wipe off all the blood, leaving two mangled corpses behind.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I grumbled. With Tommaso, Elio, and their associates out of the way, all I could think about was having Britta in my arms again.

We parted ways with King and his guys, then retrieved our bikes. Maverick met us at the apartment with an SUV. Our motorcycles would be transported home another way because we were driving with Marylin.

When we were an hour from Old Bridge, my cell beeped, and I looked to see that I’d received a text with links to several articles in the Chicago news. One about an accident in a high-rise in Chicago. Apparently, the carbon monoxide detectors had malfunctioned, and everyone on the top five floors had died from overexposure. Interestingly, no other floors seemed to be affected.

There was also a report of a house fire at an address belonging to P. Truitt. The fire investigators pinpointed the fireplace as the point of origin, saying that the occupants had clearly been careless, leaving loaded weapons near the flames that eventually exploded, burning the house to nothing but ashes.

I didn’t bother to look for incidents at all the other locations we’d been involved in destroying.

The only thing I cared about was getting home to my woman.



Although Shaw had called to let me know that my mom was okay and he was bringing her to me, I needed to see her for myself. I paced back and forth in his room for the first couple of hours, then I headed downstairs and did the same in front of the bar. When I’d ridden down here with my mom two years ago, the drive had felt like it went so fast. But the three hours that I waited for them to pull into the compound felt as though it took forever.

Finally, Fox announced, “They just pulled through the gate.”

I raced to the door, my gaze searching for my mom. Tears welled in my eyes when I saw Shaw help her out of an SUV. She must’ve been lying down because I hadn’t seen her back there until he opened the door. As I ran toward them, I flashed him a grateful smile before throwing myself at my mom. “I’m so glad to see you. I was worried that we wouldn’t find you in time.”

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