Page 69 of All The Afters

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“If he does, we’ll kick his ass,” Tiffany said.

As my gaze encircled the table, my heart felt full. When I moved to Willow Brook, I’d been feeling lost. My lifeline had been my job, but I’d been beyond startled to find myself unexpectedly pregnant and struggling with the way it had come about. Because of these women, I felt like I belonged somewhere, like they had my back.

“I know you would, but I think it’ll be okay,” I replied.

The night moved along with plenty of laughter and more lighthearted gossip. By the time the group started to filter apart, multiple phones vibrated, rang, or chimed all within seconds of each other. An evening that felt good and embracing took a sharp turn.

Maisie got the full story the fastest. While she wasn’t on duty tonight, she had the dispatcher at the station on speed dial.

“The engine went out on one of the planes.” Her gaze was steady, but I could see the worry flickering. “Nate was able to bring the plane down, but they’re in an area where there’s no cell reception. They radioed in. Everyone survived, but that’s all we know.”

Of those of us here, Madison, Farrah, Tiffany, and I all had firefighters we loved on that plane, and Holly’s husband was the pilot. For the next half an hour, we were locked in a pattern of making calls and trying to gather more information until Maisie finally looked around the group. “We’re not going to get any more information until the rescue group is able to reach the site.”

Madison glanced around, her expression stoic. “Everyone is welcome to stay, but I know we all deal with things like this differently. This is a waiting game at this point.”

Over the following hour, most of the group left with everyone planning to stay in close contact.

Holly looked sick, her normally sunny expression shuttered with her eyes puffy and mascara streaked on her cheeks. “I don’t even want to call Nate’s parents.”

“You know they’re going to find out,” Madison said.

Holly blew a puff of air out, expertly dislodging a loose lock of hair falling in front of her eyes. “You’re right. I’ll just go over there. Are you sure you’re okay?”

The group had dwindled to Madison, Allie, me, and Phoebe. Phoebe had called Archer and told him she wanted to stay with me until we had some news. This used to be Phoebe’s crew.

“Go to his parents,” I said. “Maisie said she’s going to call as soon as she hears anything.”

The frustration that had boiled over this morning about Griffin paying for my attorney felt so insignificant now. I just wanted him home.

Allie looked absolutely distraught with worry about her father. She coped by focusing on Teddy and her little brother, Harry, who was two years old now. Madison made coffee and we sat around the living room with the TV on in a rumble in the background.

Madison’s cell phone vibrated. She had it on speaker before a second ring could happen. “What’s the update?” she asked.

“They’re on-site and I don’t have any updates on who, there are some injuries, but everyone is expected to survive,” Maisie said quickly.

“Is there any way we can talk to any of them?” My voice cracked at the end as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“I wish,” Maisie said. “I really do. They’re communicating through radio only and that’s limited to the rescue crew.”

“Do we have a time frame?” Madison asked.

Allie had returned to the living room. She sank her hips slowly onto the couch beside Madison, leaning into her as Madison curled her arm around Allie’s shoulders.

“Best guess is they can get back in maybe six hours or so. Even though the wait is hard, everyone is alive and okay,” Maisie said.

I hated the waiting. I wanted Griffin here. Home. With me.

I was too restless to leave, knowing that if I went home, I would pace by myself with my thoughts gamboling around in my brain. We collectively decided to wait out the night.

Chapter Forty-Four


“How ya holding up?” I asked.

Hudson rolled his head to the side and shrugged. “Been better, but I’m okay.”

Nate let out a dry chuckle. “I think we’ve all been better. We could also be worse.”

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