Page 60 of All The Afters

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“Beck loves to offer life advice. And, honestly, he’s pretty good at it.”

I glanced back at Beck. “Tell me something: when Maisie has a headache, how do you handle it?”

“This early in your relationship, I’d say you need to work on your bedroom skills.” He gave an exaggerated brow-waggle with that.

I almost choked on the swallow of beer I’d just taken. “That’s not what I meant. I think Tish legitimately has a headache. She had a stressful day and she’s got a baby at home. Do I push it and try to go over, or do I give her space?”

A motion caught my eye, and I glanced over to see Paul, fucking Paul, walking in.

“Whoa, what did that guy do to you?” Beck asked as he followed my gaze.

I ignored him, standing and threading my way through the tables. I stopped beside Paul. “You better fucking leave Tish alone,” I warned.

Paul spun around. “What’s it to you?”

“You can’t just show up in her life like this.”

“I can and I am. I’m my only hope for my parents to have a grandchild. They have one now, so you can fuck off,” he retorted.

I wasn’t prone to losing my temper, but the guy’s proprietary attitude about Teddy and the way he just didn’t give a fuck about Tish infuriated me.

I clenched my fists. “Why the fuck are you here now?”

Paul smirked. “If I file for custody of the baby, I stand to inherit plenty of money from my parents. I’m not above that.” His tone bordered on cold.

I reached to grab his shirt, and he stumbled back. “Fuck off!”

Before I could make matters worse, I felt a hand on my shoulder and glanced back to see Beck. Graham was with him, and it was his hand on my shoulder. “Griffin,” he said, his tone low. “You don’t want to be stupid.”

When I looked back and saw Paul still smirking, I barely managed not to bury my fist in his face. Beck stepped in and forcibly walked Paul away. In the jumble of moments that followed, Graham was asking who Paul was when Madison arrived.

“That’s Teddy’s fucking sperm donor,” I spat out. “Complete asshole. He wants nothing to do with Teddy, but he’s filing for custody because his parents want to have a relationship with their grandson. He even said it’s for the money.”

Madison glanced over to where Paul was walking out the back of the restaurant, her eyes angry enough to spit fire. I began to follow him again, only to have Graham grab me by the collar and yank me backward.

“Dude, I’m all about punching that guy, but don’t be stupid. In this case, take the high road. Use all your anger to support Tish.”

I breathed in slowly. Graham marched me back over to the group and I glanced down at Madison. I couldn’t help but wonder how much Madison knew. Paul was a piece of work. Madison was saying something to Graham, and Beck stopped beside me just as Cade approached.

“Don’t be as stupid as me,” Cade said dryly.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I was a dumbass and got in a scuffle with Amelia’s ex.”

Beck nodded and rolled his eyes. “People still say the only reason Cade didn’t get charged is because his dad is the police chief. But Amelia’s ex is the one who started the whole thing.”

Cade grimaced. My adrenaline slowly dissipated. I felt like an idiot because I let Paul get the best of me. Losing my temper just made me look like an ass.

Later that night, I glanced around the efficiency apartment above Archer and Phoebe’s garage. Archer and Phoebe had made it clear I could stay here as long as I wanted, but that’s not what I wanted. It was only one night without her, and I missed Tish so fucking badly.

Her place felt like home. Or, maybe it was Tish and Teddy that made it feel like home.

Me: I hope you’re feeling better. Missing you tonight.

I felt foolish about almost losing my temper with Paul. He’d been goading me, and I knew better.

A sigh gusted out as I rested my elbows on my knees and tunneled my hands through my hair. My phone vibrated and I moved swiftly, spinning it around on the coffee table in front of me.

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