Page 57 of All The Afters

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Chase chuckled just as Hudson came walking out of the back doorway, almost running into Chase. Chase stepped to the side. “Everybody’s in a rush today.”

“We’ve been out at a fire for two weeks. I’m looking forward to some food that isn’t freeze-dried,” Hudson said dryly. “You guys headed to Wildlands?”

Chase thumbed toward me. “Griffin’s headed home to his new girlfriend, and I’m going straight home to my wife and kid.”

“Smart move.” Hudson winked as he walked on by.

I tugged my keys out of my pocket. “See you soon.”

As I began to walk away, Chase called, “Dinner with me and Hallie soon?”

“Anytime. Except tonight,” I added.

He grinned. “Wasn’t planning on that tonight. I need Hallie all to myself.”

The drive to Tish’s place was maybe ten minutes. Impatience gnawed at me through every minute of every mile. When I turned down the driveway, I was relieved to see her car there.

Moments later, when Tish opened the door, I could instantly see the distress in her eyes. She was holding Teddy, and I immediately reached for him. “What’s wrong?”

She opened her mouth to say something and burst into tears. I held Teddy with one arm. He curled into my shoulder as I reached around and pulled her close, kicking the door shut behind me.

Tish’s storm of tears passed quickly. When she lifted her head, she took a shaky breath.

“Paul reached out. He says his parents want to know their grandson. I called Quinn and she put me in touch with Colin. I’m freaking out because I don’t know how I’m going to pay for all this and…” She stepped back, letting her face fall into her hands as she took a shuddering breath before her hands fell away. “I don’t mean to dump all this on you the second you showed up.”

Teddy squealed and I glanced down at him. I lifted him high in the air, giving him a quick spin to distract him before lowering him back down. “You’re not dumping anything on me. What’s the status on dinner for him and you? Let’s take care of one thing at a time.”

“I’ve only been home a few minutes. I’m so frazzled that I can’t even think. I know they do a late afternoon snack at daycare, so I should feed him and –” She let out a flustered sigh.

“I’ll get him a bottle and let’s just order some takeout. No fuss. You’ve had a long day.”

Her lips curled in a sheepish smile. “I didn’t even know you were coming back today.”

I adjusted Teddy in my arms as I stepped close again. “I would’ve texted you, but I decided to just come straight here. I missed you,” I whispered against her lips before giving her a lingering kiss.

She blinked back tears when we broke apart. “I missed you too. A lot.”

“You don’t need to cry about that,” I teased lightly.

I could hear the shakiness in her breath and protectiveness rose swiftly inside. I didn’t expect what I said next. “I love you.”

Tish’s eyes widened, shining with tears. “Oh!” Her hand was resting on my chest and pressed harder before her fingers curled into the fabric of my T-shirt. “I love you too,” she whispered.

We stared at each other. I could see my surprise reflected back in Tish’s eyes.

“We didn’t really plan this, did we?” I mused.

She shook her head. “Not even a little. I certainly didn’t expect the random guy I met on the side of the highway to end up here with me.”

The moment was broken when Teddy kicked his feet against my thigh. Tish moved to reach for him. “I’ve got him,” I said. “You order pizza. You know I’ll eat anything, so just pick whatever you want. I can feed him.”

I could see the weariness in her eyes. “This is why you pump at work. Order the pizza and hop in the shower. You’ll feel better.”

Her weary smile made my heart thump harder. “Thank you,” she whispered.

A short while later, Tish had put Teddy to bed, pizza had been delivered and eaten, and I was tidying up the kitchen. We even had a brief conversation about her stress about Teddy’s father. The fact that he cavalierly called her like that infuriated me. He had no right, none at all. But I knew that wasn’t how it looked from a legal perspective.

I was relieved Colin was already involved. I trusted him to handle it.

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