Page 49 of All The Afters

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“Tonight. It’s Friday in case you lost track.” She winked.

After they drove off, Griffin paused beside me. “Are you okay about that?”

“You mean them knowing we have a thing. It’s fine.” I bit my lip as I looked up at him. “Are you okay with it?”

“I like you, Tish,” he murmured. “Kind of a lot.”

He kissed me, leaving me needy before I drove away.

Blessedly, my day was busy, busy, busy.

Even though I was still adjusting to not being with a baby all day and missing Teddy and wondering how he was doing, I was enjoying getting back in the swing of things. Rhys’s new executive assistant seemed to be handling everything very well. He pinged me with questions here and there, but otherwise, I was able to focus on my new position.

Later in the afternoon, Griffin texted to see how I was doing and asked if he could see me that night. I reminded him about card night with my friends and told him he could come by after that.

Griffin: What time?

My belly flipped.

Me: Probably around nine.

Griffin: I’ll be there.

I was biting my lip as I smiled at his return text. I almost had a syncope episode. I was feeling a little lightheaded when I realized I hadn’t eaten lunch yet and got up too quickly from my desk. Thankfully, no one was around. I sat back down and fished out my emergency candy to give me a little hit of sugar. That and a hard-boiled egg snack were enough to tide me over.

Chapter Thirty


Allie scooped Teddy out of my arms, giving him a loud kiss before lifting him in the air while he giggled. “He’s all mine now, you relax,” she said.

My heart clenched a little in my chest. When I’d first had Teddy, I’d been nearly desperate for any kind of break at first because it was a twenty-four-hour job. Babies didn’t operate on a rational schedule. Days of endless diaper changes, nursing, and sleep doled out in hours here and there.

Now that Teddy had settled into somewhat of a decent sleeping schedule, usually only waking maybe once a night and I had returned to work, I missed him during the day. Yet, I also wanted and needed this time with my friends.

“We’ll just be upstairs,” Allie assured me. With a wave, she was gone.

Madison smiled over at me, her brows hitching up as soon as Allie was out of the room. “You okay?”

I took a quick breath. “Yes. But it’s weird. I’m working now and I’ve only seen him for a few hours today.”

Maisie had just walked into the room and her hand landed on my shoulder. She patted me lightly. “I know the feeling. Trust me, he’s fine and you’ll get used to it.”

I smiled up at her. “Really?”

Her curls bounced with her nod. “Promise.”

“Is Beck home with the kids tonight?” I asked.

“They’re with his mom tonight. He’s out with the guys at Wildlands. They kinda like to do that when we have our card night,” Maisie explained.

Amelia sat down and slid a stack of paper plates into the center of the table. “They feel like they gotta have a guy thing because we have a girl thing.”

“How long have you all been doing this anyway?” I asked as I took the plate that Lucy handed to me.

“Years now,” Lucy replied.

Maisie nodded. “It was pretty casual at first, and more and more have joined in.”

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