Page 28 of All The Afters

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“I get that part. Could be awkward for you.” She seemed a little surprised at my easy acceptance of that. “I don’t like it,” I added. “But it is what it is.”

“It is, but it’s different now. I don’t work directly for Rhys.”

She moved just a little closer and her soft curves pressed against me. “Maybe it’s been too long for me to ask if we can pick up where we left off?”

When her eyes darkened and she slid her tongue across her bottom lip, there was no way in any universe I could’ve done anything other than kiss her. I slid an arm around her waist and dipped my head. The need slicing through me was so sharp it was almost painful. Yet, I wanted to savor this moment. My forehead fell to hers, and I forced myself to take a slow breath.

She smelled a little sweet and salty. I brushed my lips over hers again, intending to take this slow. Tish was having none of that. She made this little raspy sound in the back of her throat before she arched up and curled her hand around the back of my neck to pull me closer. When her lips opened underneath mine, I was gone.

When she arched closer against me, and I felt the taut little peaks of her nipples through the thin cotton of my T-shirt, I let out a ragged groan. On the heels of a gulp of air when we briefly broke apart, I tightened my arm around her waist and slid my hand into her hair as I angled her head to the side and claimed her mouth.

Chapter Sixteen


When I felt the subtle sting on my scalp from Griffin’s fingers gripping my hair as he took over our kiss, I thought I might burst into flames. I needed this — him – so desperately. It was a bone-deep craving.

I felt as if I could lose myself in his kiss, and I wanted to. Maybe it was the memory of our first kiss, which felt like another time and place, almost as if it had happened to another person. Except there was a kernel in it that brought it back to me. Our kiss went on and on and on. One of my hands slid down his back. I could feel the strength of him, his corded muscles flexing under my touch. My hand crept under the hem of his T-shirt, greedy to feel him.

His skin was hot to the touch, and I savored his warmth and strength. I gasped into his mouth when his hand slid through my hair and down my back, boldly cupping my bottom and pressing me closer. I could feel his hard length against my lower belly. Seconds later, we broke apart and the sound of our ragged breathing filled the air around us.

His eyes bored into mine. “I think we need to slow down.”

I was shaking my head before I could even think it through. I didn’t want to slow down. I wanted to dive into this fire and let it consume me.

The whole experience of pregnancy and giving birth had been messy, exhausting, and painful. None of it was sexy, and yet all of it brought you into your body in a way that, at least, for me, not much else could. In the aftermath of trying to find a rhythm amidst the chaos of sleepless nights and nursing and being entirely responsible for a tiny human, my barriers had fallen away, and had stripped me raw. Now, I simply wanted what I wanted.

In this moment, that was Griffin. I slid my palm over his abs and down over the hot length of him.

“Tish,” he bit out through gritted teeth.

I leaned back slightly, lifting my chin. “I want this. I want you.”

He swallowed. “If you want me to stop, I will. We don’t have to do anything more than kiss.”

Griffin seemed to have some sort of misplaced idea that we should stop with just a kiss. Whatever. I was well beyond that. I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t want just a kiss.”

After a weighted moment, he dipped his head again, claiming my mouth once more. His kiss was a little slower, lingering this time. I dragged my palm up and down his length, and he groaned into my mouth. Impatient, I quickly unbuttoned his jeans and slid his zipper down before slipping my hand into the opening.

I savored the little thrill that zipped through me when his cock pulsed under my touch. I wasn’t usually this bold, but I felt caught in a rushing current. I broke away from his mouth before shoving his jeans down, just far enough to free his cock. I curled my palm around him, watching his eyes darken, his chest rising and falling with his rapid breathing.

“Is this okay? Do you want me to stop?” I whispered.

“Fuck, no! Don’t stop,” he gasped.

Kneeling down, I brought my mouth to the tip of his cock, licking the drop of cum rolling out.

“Fuck, Tish,” he murmured, his fingers gripping my hair.

I kept my eyes on his as I angled my head to the side and circled my tongue around his thick crown. My gaze finally broke away from his when I shifted to take him into my mouth fully. Curling my palm around the base of his shaft, I teased him with deep suction and slid my tongue along the underside of his cock. I savored the earthy tang.

“Tish,” he bit out.

I released him with a little pop before asking, “Yes?”

Chapter Seventeen


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