Page 22 of All The Afters

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Maisie caught my eye. While there’s no way she could’ve known just what Griffin represented to me, she seemed to know I needed someone to rescue me from this moment.

“Oh, another firefighter. Like we’re short on them around here,” she said dryly.

Griffin glanced her way, his lips curling with a quick smile. “Surely you can always use another.”

At that moment, Amelia Masters approached with her husband, Cade. Amelia was another friend I’d made since moving here. Amelia sort of intimidated me. She was tall, leggy, beautiful, and tough. She ran a construction company with her best friend. She seemed like the kind of woman who had it together in every way that I didn’t.

“You must be Griffin,” she said when she stopped beside Maisie.

Griffin glanced to her. “I am, but how did you guess?”

Cade chimed in, “Beck texted us he was taking you here for coffee.”

Madison grinned at Beck. “You should know that Beck is the gossip around the fire station.”

“I am not a gossip,” Beck said, lifting his chin. “I share pertinent information.”

Maisie burst out laughing, nudging him with her elbow. When I got to the counter, Janet James was smiling across at me.

“Hi there,” she said warmly.

Janet had been so welcoming when I moved to town. She tended to mother-hen, and I’d needed that kind of comfort and support.

“Hi, Janet. I’ll take my usual please,” I said.

I felt Griffin’s presence at my side. It felt as if a wall of heat blasted my side. I glanced at him briefly, willing the blush to dissipate from my cheeks as I gestured from him to Janet. “Janet, this is Griffin Cannon. He’s one of the new firefighters in town. I know him from Fireweed Harbor.”

Janet’s eyes twinkled as she smiled at Griffin. “I heard about that crew being moved here.” She flicked her braid off her shoulder. Janet was soft and round with a weathered face with an ageless quality to her. Her hair was dark and streaked with more salt than pepper. “I do hope you’ll enjoy Willow Brook.”

“I love it here,” he replied. “My brother Chase lives here, along with my cousin Archer.”

Archer appeared as if on cue. “Hey, hey!” He gave Griffin a quick hug.

Stepping back, Griffin replied, “Good to see you.”

“You came here before you stopped by our house,” Archer teased.

“I just got into town. I told Beck I’d stop by the station and he brought me here.”

I was relieved when Griffin got drawn into conversation with several of the firefighters. I got my coffee and slipped away to sit at a table with Madison, Phoebe, Tiffany and Amelia. Maisie said her goodbyes as the rest of the group filtered out.

I had taken a few sips of coffee when Madison asked, “So, what is the deal with you and Griffin Cannon?”

I almost spit my coffee out on the table. Amelia patted me between my shoulder blades. “Are you okay?”

I cleared my throat and took the napkin Phoebe offered me from my side. After a moment, I glanced around the table, wondering how to get out of this conversation.

Madison narrowed her eyes. “Don’t even try with me.”

“Try what?” I countered, keeping my tone light.

Phoebe’s grin was sly. “Something happened with you and Griffin.”

I let out a sigh. “Griffin and I almost dated. And, we kissed once,” I finally said.

“That must’ve been one hell of a kiss,” Amelia said, waggling her brows.

I bit my lip, trying to ignore the heat rising in my cheeks. “At the time, I was his oldest brother’s assistant. I was worried about the work thing. I kissed Griffin maybe a week before I figured out I was pregnant. I wasn’t seeing Teddy’s father by then.” I rolled my eyes. I still felt embarrassed and ashamed about what had happened. “I hadn’t seen him for over two months by the time that kiss happened with Griffin.”

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