Page 15 of All The Afters

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All he had done was touch me, and barely. When his thumb dragged over my bottom lip, I was near to breathless. My lips parted as I shifted on my feet, restless from the storm inside. Heat rampaged through me and a tightness curled in my belly.

“Griffin,” I heard myself whispering.

The pleading tone of my voice should’ve shocked me, but it didn’t. My pure want for him was too powerful.

“Yes?” he whispered gruffly.

“Kiss me. Please.” I felt the clench between my thighs and shifted again on my feet, trying to relieve the pressure building everywhere.

“Okay,” he whispered over my lips.

His kiss started soft and questioning. I unconsciously made a sound in my throat, needy and pleading. My entire body felt shockingly alive, with my pulse thrumming along at a breakneck pace. Every tiny sensation fed into the others, creating a breathless intensity.

Griffin paused, lifting his head, just enough to create a pocket of space between our lips. I was distantly startled at the little whimper that slipped out from the back of my throat. I wasn’t one to feel desperate, to feel bereft when there was a pause in a kiss.

And yet, Griffin had that effect on me. He elicited a sense of desperation inside of me.

“Are you sure you want this?” he rasped.

With each word, his lips touched mine. Every point of contact felt like a spark of electricity landing on my lips.

“Yes.” That single word was emphatic.

I let out a sigh of sheer relief when his mouth came to mine again. It was a tease, a soft brush of his mouth over mine before he dusted kisses on the corners of my lips. I made a sound of impatience as I shifted closer, savoring the feel of his strong, muscled chest against me.

That seemed to spur him forward. One of his arms slid around my waist, his palm landed at the dip in my back where my hips flared outward. His fingers curved over the top of my bottom. The low sound in his throat sent a sizzle of electric fire through me.

He slid his other hand into my hair as he angled my head to the side and fit his mouth over mine. Our kiss went from a brushing tease to commanding. I loved it.

I took another step closer, erasing the millimeters between us. One of my hands mapped his chest, and the other curled around his waist, dipping under his jacket and the hem of his shirt to feel the banded muscles along his back.

His tongue tangled with mine in slow sweeps. I didn’t even know if I was breathing. I felt made of liquid need. I was trembling by the time he lifted his head. His dark eyes bored into mine, and it felt as if I was staring into silver smoke. He didn’t step back, still holding me close. His hand loosened its grip in my hair and slid down to rest at the base of my neck.

I was acutely aware of every single sensation. The pads of his fingers on my skin, where his other palm had slid down a little further over my bottom, the press of his body against mine. All the while, my mind was filled with static.

I tried to slow my breathing, but my heart was rampaging wildly. I experienced a small sense of relief to feel his heart thumping hard and fast underneath my palm.

His shoulders rose, his chest pressing against me as he took a deep breath. “I should go,” he said, even though he didn’t move at all.

I wanted to ask him to stay, but I didn’t. This was a folly, a reckless moment. Because I knew better, or at least I hoped I did. But if I’d known better, I wouldn’t have even let this happen.

When I didn’t say anything, Griffin stepped back slightly. “Tish?” There was a lilt of a question in his voice.

I had to clear my throat to even speak. “Yes?”

“What do you want?”

I startled myself by answering with blunt honesty. “I don’t want you to leave.”

The heat banked in his dark gaze flared. I could practically see him trying to make a decision. “I don’t want to leave either, but I think maybe I should.”

Just then, my body decided to make its other needs known and my stomach audibly growled. I giggled when Griffin’s eyes widened before crinkling at the corners with a slow smile.

“I should’ve asked if you needed to stop and get something for dinner,” he said.

“Obviously, I’m hungry,” I pointed out.

He was still holding me with one arm around my waist. My palm was still against his chest.

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