Page 7 of Freed

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Liliana squealed, clapping her hands excitedly. “I’m so happy for them. When will she be presented to the world? Are we invited?”

“In a few months, and yes we are invited. Which means,” Ruslan rubbed my arms reassuringly, “we need to get you moving and strong again, sprite. I won’t allow you to leave the Iron Realm until I know you can defend yourself again.”

After drinking the Demon blood concoction and eating, I did feel better than when Zuriel had first propped me up against the pillows. The room did not spin, and my hands steadied, allowing me to lift grape after grape to my mouth with ease.

More than anything, I wanted to be strong again. The next time Kazimir tried some shit would be his last – I would make sure of it.

“Then get out of my way,” I stated, with a fierceness beginning to blossom in my chest. Ruslan scooted back, unwrapping himself from around me and landing lightly on the floor beside the bed. Bracing my hands on the mattress, I pushed myself from underneath the tray, then swung my legs toward the side of the bed.

Ruslan held out his hands, offering me support in lowering myself to the floor. “Careful, sprite, you haven’t walked on them in a while.”

The loose pants I wore tumbled to my ankles as I slid from the high bed, and my legs swayed beneath me when my bare feet hit the stone. Ruslan immediately grasped my shoulders to keep me upright, the worry in his gray eyes intensifying as I blinked rapidly. The world around me spun again, and I waited for the gray fuzziness to retreat before saying, “Hold my hands, please.”

He grasped them firmly and then retreated so I had space to move. Liliana and Zuriel held their breath behind me, and I lifted one foot, wobbling momentarily, then set it on the floor. I managed ten paces before I had to stop, and a wide grin broke out across my mate’s face. Liliana released a whooping cheer as I turned around, Ruslan hovering behind me in case I needed support. By the time I reached the bed again, my legs trembled from the effort, and I collapsed against it, sweat pouring from my temples. But I grinned like a maniac because I’d pushed through and done it.

Fuck these males who thought they could keep me down.

I was Izidora Valynor, future empress of Északi, a survivor, and an insidious bloom.

They would not see how sharp and deadly my thorns were until I was slicing them to ribbons with my killing blows.


The sound of metal boots striking the packed earth rang in my ears long after the Iron Realm’s army finished marching for the day. Gem-encrusted pommels glinted in the sunlight, and the swish of the delicate, light chainmail covering the chests of the winged warriors filled the air overhead as I made my way to the war tent on the outskirts of the army’s camp. In the distance, Ryza Citadel’s black spires pierced the sky in defiance of the Goddess for daring to give the Iron Realm less power. A wry grin tugged at the corners of my mouth as I surveyed the legion of Félvér – those of us born in the Iron Realm with mixed blood – off to one side. From the ones with wings who could take to the sky to the ones who could shift into another form and everyone in between, we were powerful, unstoppable, and ready to take our place in this world.

Artur, my second-in-command, ducked through the opening followed by a handful of the emperor’s personal guard and the two Félvér High Lords, Anton and Slavian, who had all been selected for major positions in the army. Kriath, who shifted into an Eagle, would lead the winged Félvér, while Savich, who shifted into a Bear, would lead the grounded Félvér. Artur and Icould monitor from high above with our massive Dragon wings, though neither of us possessed the ability to fully shift into a Dragon – not yet anyway. Anton and Slavian would manage smaller, specialized units filled with Wolves and Demon Félvér who worked shadow magic, respectively.

I’d poured over all the texts I could find on war during many of my shifts watching Izidora slumber, studying every scrap of information found in Ruslan’s library and implementing the strategies of world-famous generals of the past. I was immensely pleased with the structure borne of those hours of study.

Ruslan had been pissed enough at Kazimir that he allowed Rares to begin experimenting – on willing participants – to push for a full Dragon shift, among other things, because bringing the massive beasts forth from within could turn the tide of the war. Not that we needed it. The Night Realm was as good as done with the pent-up rage Ruslan carried, along with our secret weapons – the tunnels, the full numbers of the Félvér, and other shit Rares had concocted. Rares was a bastard, but his twisted ideas would serve us well in destroying the Night Realm.

Even some of the Telivér – the full-blooded races from other continents – that remained in the Iron Realm volunteered to assist in the army. Konsteon, a Centaur Shifter, volunteered for the cavalry, and the Demons all wanted to fight in the infantry.

“Artur, what news do you have?” I asked, stopping him as he passed.

“General,” they all saluted in unison before Artur addressed me.

“Emperor Ruslan has sent word to gather a small force to be deployed to the Day Realm. Queen Viktoria has given birth and they are expected to be in attendance for the little princess’s presentation to the world. He would prefer that the force is already present and settled when they arrive.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Is the emperor seriously going to leave his unconscious mate to travel to the Day Realm?”

“You haven’t heard?” Artur’s dark brow furrowed.

“Heard what?” I challenged.

“She’s awake.”

“For fuck’s sake, why didn’t you lead with that?” I cursed, taking a quick survey of the army around me. Artur could command them for the remainder of the day – after all, I’d had my share of days sitting by Izidora’s bedside these past six months. Then I kicked myself for being so far out of pocket that my second-in-command heard the news before I did. “Why did no one fetch me immediately?”

“He just sent word a few moments ago,” Artur reassured me.

“Handle everything for the rest of the day.” Without waiting for a response, I shot into the sky, my lapis lazuli colored wings casting a blue shadow through their membranes as I banked toward Roc Palace. The sun dipped below the peaks of the Agrenak Mountains that ringed the Iron Realm by the time I landed on the roof of the palace built into the side of the mountain. I banged on the hatch for someone to let me in. When no one appeared for a few moments, I tried the handle, finding it unlocked. Banishing my wings, I dropped onto the landing below, shutting and latching it behind me. Shaking my head at someone’s forgetfulness, I jogged down the stairs and into the living area of the suite that had nearly become my second home.

“Drazen!” Izidora’s bright voice greeted me as I hit the stone floor, and across the room, she sat in front of a roaring fire, Liliana, Zuriel, and Ruslan all hovering nearby.

Racing across the room, I skidded to a stop in front of her, taking her small hands in mine and sighing with relief. It felt as if a weight had been removed from my chest seeing her grin up at me. The memory of that knife impaling her, then blood draining from her limp body as I sat helplessly, had plaguedmy nightmares for months. Worries that she’d never wake had creeped in despite my best efforts to maintain a positive attitude about the whole situation.

“It’s good to hear your voice,” I said, checking her over for any injury. Not that she would have any under our watchful eyes. Whoever sat with her during the day ensured she was taken care of, and I’d tried to keep up her muscles by moving her through various positions with Liliana’s help a few times a week.

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