Page 58 of Freed

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Then I saw them.

Hundreds of soldiers raced from rows of long buildings outside the city walls.

Those weren’t there the last time I left Vaenor.

Some gripped bows and arrows, and swirls of moonlight swept around others as they gathered to face the intruders – us. Ruslan opened his mighty maw and released a stream of black fire over the buildings, all of them igniting immediately and filling the sky with acrid smoke. More shouts rang out as the city woke from its slumber, and from my vantage point, lights popped into existence as far as the eye could see.

If Kazimir was in Este Castle, there was no doubt he was awake and watching the giant Dragon destroying his army’s camp.

Ruslan released another stream of fire before banking sharply and flying in our direction.

“Land on my back, sprite,”he instructed, and I halted my forward motion to time my landing.

I snapped my wings shut as he dipped beneath me, falling perfectly between his large black spines. Gripping his sides with my legs, I fashioned my cloak around me in such a way that thebaby sleeping against my chest was secure and I could rest my arms.

Zuriel, Gozzak, and Xorrek were already waiting in the air above our meeting spot when we reached them, quickly spreading themselves out over the Dragons’ backs while Kriath soared through the night in his massive Eagle form.

Zuriel placed his hands on my shoulders, giving them a light squeeze. “You did it, cousin,” he shouted over the wind.

“I did for her what was never done for me,” I replied, grip tightening ever so slightly on Princess Gizela.

His icy blue eyes were sad, and for once, he let me feel the depth of his emotions. Closing my eyes, I welcomed the sympathy and validation, because I was fucking proud of myself for standing up for the powerless and doing whatever it took to protect her, despite the panic that had gripped me while I faced it.

“If I had known, I would have done the same for you,”Ruslan repeated the sentiment that had always filled me with a sense of safety and certainty. Somehow, after all this time, he still felt responsible for what had happened to me, despite him not having a hand in it.

“I know.”

We flew through the night, stopping when the potions began to wear off for the Dragons. Midway through the wall of mountains that separated the Night and Iron Realms, we landed on a large, icy plateau. As the sun broke over the horizon, I carried Princess Gizela to a large boulder perched on the edge, settling in with her as we welcomed the new day.

“Your mother is going to be so happy to see you,” I told her, my throat working around the lump settling there. Little tufts of golden hair caught the rising light, contrasting against her silky, pristine skin.

Thank the Goddess she was unharmed – at least physically.

So many feelings bubbled up in me, and rather than shove them away, I allowed myself to feel the depths of them all. I had to, if I wanted to be free.

Grief, for my mother dying as I was ripped from her arms, then lost to the world for twenty-one years. Anger, at Kazimir for daring to do something so fucked up after how long he’d searched for me and all his claims of loving me. Pride, at holding my own in a fight and delivering vengeance to those who dared try to harm an innocent babe.

Ruslan interrupted the wildfire of emotions burning through me as he settled on the rock to watch the sun rise in solidarity.

“Don’t ever ignore me like that again,” I snapped, dulling the edge of my pain on him.

“I was a bit busy trying to get away from the dozens of guards that found us in the middle of the castle,” he replied, but there was no bite or admonishment in his tone, as if he knew my emotions were an inferno that needed an outlet.

“I thought I lost you,” I whispered, voice cracking like the wall I tried keeping my emotions behind.

“Not a great feeling is it?” he quipped, and I ripped my gaze toward him.

“Fuck you,” I hissed, jaw clenching over the words.

His smoky eyes shone with amusement. “You will, later.” His hand wrapped around my throat, thumb tracing my jawline and making my heart flutter. “You and I will burn together while we relish our victory. I plan on making you come until you forget your fear and all you know is my name.”

His words went straight to my core, heating it and my blood in the best way.

“I always want your fire, sprite. Seeing you sad kills me.” He dropped his hand from my neck to my braid, yanking my head back. Ruslan’s lips touched mine with a tenderness that I only expected when we were utterly alone. “Mate, future wife andempress. You are the air I need to breathe. I love you. I will never leave you.”

When I opened my eyes again, the sun hit the smoky center of Ruslan’s eyes, lighting them up in a way that showed me his soul. “I love you, mate. Us against the world.”

A small cry interrupted our moment, and I sent soothing emotions to the princess.

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