Page 18 of Freed

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Flaring my wings, I slowed my pace slightly, drifting as close as I could without clipping my much larger than normalwings against the rock. Just as I was about to pass, I tucked my wings close, and Izidora pushed off the ground with all her might, feathered wings flapping as she sailed through the air and landed atop my back with a heavy thud.

“Find something to hold on to.”

She scrambled across my back, and with as much care as I could, I snapped my wings out, catching a drift and allowing her time to settle.

“All good now.”

“I’m not going slow.”

“You always say that.”

“This time I mean it.”

And truly, I did. There was nothing like being fully shifted into a Dragon, and I wanted to suck every bit of time out of this potion. Well, there was one thing that was better – my mate riding me. Our bond hummed excitedly as my wings beat faster, sending us climbing into the sky. A scream tore from her lips, and I smelled her fear and her arousal, the perfect cocktail for my nose.

Glancing below us, I saw dozens of other Dragons drifting lazily through the valley, learning their new forms and preparing for battle. It was unfortunate that we could not communicate with one another in this form, and I would have to put Rares and Drazen to work on a solution.

“This is incredible,”Izidora said, shifting to one side to peer down with me.

“The second most incredible sight I’ve ever seen.”

“What’s the first?”

“You. On your hands and knees. Crawling toward me.”

The scent of her arousal flared, and I knew she was thinking about it too.

“Later we’ll have to play. I need to be inside you after a day like this.”

“Play how?”Even speaking mind to mind, the lust was thick in her voice.

“You tell me. Your body is strong enough for a lot now.”

Leaving her to her wild imagination, I roared at the Dragons below me, and they all looked up simultaneously at their alpha. I dipped my head and started climbing, hoping they’d understand that I wanted them to follow.

Drazen scooped up Liliana, leaving Zuriel and Rares alone on the ground as he raced to join me. A loose formation formed behind me as Dragons took their place based on rank, and we soared together past snow-capped peaks, banking together like we would have in our Fae forms. Izidora and Liliana alternated between screaming in excitement and screaming in fear, both of which pleased me greatly.

Circling back to the valley, I began a slow descent, allowing the group to fall in line as we landed in various positions throughout. The thud as one Dragon after another landed shook the ground beneath my talons, and I craned my long neck around to ensure everyone had arrived and landed safely.

“Tell everyone I want to practice taking off and landing from here until the potions wear off. We have no other way of communicating.”

Izidora stood on my back, balancing between the spikes on my spine, and shouted, “Your emperor wants you to practice taking off and landing until your potion wears off!”

Dragon heads dipped in acknowledgement, and Izidora and Liliana both slid down our scales and onto the plush green grass. Lowering my head to her level, I realized just how massive our shifted forms were. My head was nearly as big as her petite frame, and one giant gray eye was the size of her head.

“Your scales are so pretty,” she cooed, stroking them lovingly.

I growled low.“I am not one of your horses. I am a fearsome beast.”

“Sure,” she said, planting a kiss on my nose. Then she patted it and walked away, pressing her lips together to hide a smile.

Lashing out, I hooked a fang onto her loose tunic and tugged her back to me. Her heart skittered against her ribs, even more audible in my fully shifted form.“How about now?”

“You proved your point,” she said, smacking me on the nose after I released her. But the smile that spread across her face told me she liked when I pushed her limits, and I planned on pushing them again that night.

I waited for her and Liliana to rejoin Zuriel before beginning my own practice, propelling myself airborne with the force of my claws against the earth, using my larger wingspan to force my heavy body higher. Around me, the Félvér began to fade one by one, their bodies shrinking in on themselves until only a dusting of scales covered their bodies and they searched for their clothes.

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