Page 122 of Freed

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“The promise will be kept.” The three voices twisted together, then followed the Goddess into oblivion.



One Week Later

Izidora and I sat at the head of a long table, both still dressed in armor despite the fighting having stopped not long after she killed Kazimir. After the battle, the entire continent knew that Izidora and I were the two most powerful Fae on it, and our Félvér powers were superior to those of pure-blooded Fae. But strife remained between the Night Fae, and with Kazimir's slaughter of King Aiire and Queen Immonen of the Crystal Realm, there was a void of power there as well.

Since I was the emperor of Északi, our victory came with the responsibility of restoring order. Though Izidora was not yet crowned empress, I included her in these decisions. After all, she would be marrying me not too long after this meeting adjourned. The extent to which she wanted to be involved in ruling the continent was still uncertain, but I knew she’d be fantastic once she believed in herself. She just needed some time to process everything without the threat of something else happening.

So, we called a conclave of all noble houses from every realm to carve a path forward. Izidora and I didn’t want to restore what had been; we wanted to build a new, better world for all.

The rest of the table was lined with every race of Fae, along with the noble Félvér from the Iron Realm, and all stared in our direction. I picked my head up off my fist and uncrossed my ankle from my knee before scraping back my chair and standing. Beside me, Izidora rose on her own, wings glittering and flaring behind her as she lifted her chin and crossed her arms.

Silence fell.

“We have made our decision.” The words dropped like a hammer on an anvil, and each noble straightened a little in their seat, no doubt vying for a last minute bid for attention just in case we changed our minds.

“Endre of House Zadik will rule the Night Realm.” The brow of the male in question furrowed as if he couldn't comprehend his sudden launch to being a king. Izidora had argued passionately on his behalf and refused to let me consider anyone else. But honestly, no one was better suited for the role in the entire Night Realm. He’d betrayed his best friend to save us all, and despite our rocky, rough start, I had grown to respect him.

Endre pushed to his feet, his peridot eyes glistening as the reality of his responsibility settled over him.

“I think he wishes his parents were here. He has a lot of mixed feelings right now,”Izidora spoke in my mind. It was only a few days ago that he learned that Kazimir had executed them forhisactions, and from what Izidora and Liliana had told me, that guilt weighed more heavily on him than the Night Crown would in a short time.

“Emperor Ruslan, I am honored to be chosen.” He cleared his throat and then opened his mouth to speak again. “I will do my best to steer the Night Realm in a better direction.”

A smattering of light applause filled the room, and he dipped his head in the direction of Queen Viktoria and King Consort Geza before turning to the surviving nobles of the Night Realm.

Fuck, so few of the High Houses remained.

Houses Luzak and Valintin were eradicated under Kazimir’s rule, leaving only Houses Zadik, Arzeni, Adimik, Rass, and Volak behind. House Arzeni was one of the only ones left fully intact, though the name would die out after Liliana finally settled down. House Adimik was survived by Viktor and his mother, and if Viktor did not object to my next announcement, his line would continue as well. Domi and Kaztar would have a child or two someday, and House Volak was well on its way to securing its line well into the future. The Lower Houses in the distance were just as broken, but their succession did not concern me as much as the others.

Endre could reestablish the noble lines as he saw fit when he returned to Este Castle.

“If there are no objections, we have a few other announcements,” I said, lifting a brow and waiting for a challenge. None come.

“Viktor Adimik, we propose a match for you with Natasha Bakal of the Iron Realm in order to promote further peace among our peoples,” Izidora announced, her voice strong and steady. The dark-haired Félvér female straightened in her seat beside her parents, looking to Viktor for confirmation. The two had already been acquainted during Béke, and with both being offspring from High Houses of two different realms, their marriage would strengthen the peace we sought to build.

Viktor blew out a breath, then nodded. “I accept.”

Natasha grinned, and both were congratulated by those around them.

“As for the matter of who will rule the Crystal Realm,” I started, and everyone went silent again. “I have chosen HighLord Slavian Romanuk of the Iron Realm. He has agreed to marry one of the daughters of the nobles of the Crystal Realm to promote harmony with the Crystal Fae. You may decide among yourselves, but the wedding will take place in a year’s time, as a gesture of good faith.”

Frowns and crossed arms rippled through the gathered Crystal Fae, making their displeasure as clear as they dared. Izidora sent a pulse of support down our bond.“Us against the world.”

“Us against the world,”I echoed.

“If anyone disagrees or would like to protest, now is your chance to speak.” Izidora flattened her palms on the table and stared down each group of Fae individually, daring them to challenge her. I schooled my features to hide my amusement. Her petite frame did nothing to back up her intimidation tactic, but that was why I had given her the nickname sprite in the first place. She was adorable when she was spitting fire, but never would I underestimate her because of that. She’d proven that she was as deadly as any male and as ruthless as me, especially since she had awoken after Kazimir tried to kill her.

High Lord Soma rapped his knuckles on the table, drawing the attention of the room. He glanced to his queen and king, then said, “I too wish to have a marriage arranged for me, to support the empire’s new vision.”

Queen Viktoria spoke her agreement. “High Lord Soma has our blessing with whomever he chooses or is chosen for him.”

“We shall arrange it, High Lord Soma,” Izidora promised, her features softening as she locked eyes with each of the Day Fae.

“It really feels like we did it, like they want to be part of this new world,”Izidora said only to me, and she gave me unobstructed insight into her unbridled joy. The emotion filled me as well, and I struggled to keep the grin off my face. Our work was not quite finished.

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