Page 114 of Freed

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“There!” Liliana shouted over the wind, pointing further to our left.

She banked, and I followed her, racing toward Ruslan, Zuriel, and Izidora. The three fought fiercely with an amalgamation of warriors – Iron Fae, Félvér, and Telivér – against a large group of Night Fae.

Liliana and I dropped from the sky, joining the fray.

“Why are you over here?” Ruslan snapped, ripping through the tough leathers of a Night Fae with only his giant Dragon talons.

But then Izidora noticed us. “Oh, shit, what’s wrong?”

Liliana shook her head, throat working as she was unable to speak.

“Cover me!” Izidora shouted, dropping back and taking us with her. The soldiers closed ranks and continued to swing at their opponents.

Her eyes darted between Liliana and me. “Tell me.”

“Vadim… he’s dead,” Liliana choked out, and Izidora swept her into a tight embrace, making soothing noises as she reached for my hand. I let her take it, and the grief ebbed as she siphoned it away.

Ruslan was by our side moments later. Clenching my teeth around what remained of my grief, I conveyed what Vadim had said. “If we kill Kazimir, the battle is over. Viktor and Kaztar will surrender.”

“You’re certain?” he growled, his eyes narrowing on me.

Would he ever trust me?

“He’s telling the truth,” Liliana defended me, though her voice was slightly muffled in Izidora’s neck.

“Then we need to find him. And fast,” Izidora pronounced, straightening. Her eyes held a fire reminiscent of our first encounter, when she had fought against us despite the fact that we were trying to rescue her from her chains.

The female before me was formidable, a dark, powerful aura surrounding her, and by the firm set of her jaw, I knew she was not to be messed with – not when it came to this. After everything that had happened to her, she deserved to take whatever vengeance she sought.

I certainly wasn’t going to interfere with that.

“How can we help?” I asked, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach, even as I meant the words passing my lips.

“I will maintain a mental connection with everyone,” Zuriel offered, nearly making me jump at his sudden appearance. “Simply shout in your mind that you have found him, and I will dispatch the others.”

Ruslan crooked a brow at him. “Not only can you read minds, but you can read them across the entire battlefield?”

The Angel shrugged. “I block everyone out, most of the time.”

“We’ll talk about your powers inextensive, truthfuldetail when this is over,” Ruslan snarled, cracking his neck, then his knuckles.

“Of course,” Zuriel replied, but there was a sadness to his tone I couldn’t quite place.

The others had finished off the Night Fae during our discussion, leaving us momentarily protected on the top of the cliff. Ruslan assigned us directions to travel and ordered us to relay the information to all commanders we came across. The Demons took off first, flying fast and hard toward the center of the battle, while Liliana and I returned to our earlier section in the east.

Ruslan, Izidora, and Zuriel carved a path high above, eventually disappearing from view.

As we wove among the clouds, I gave Liliana’s hand a reassuring squeeze.

We’d make it out alive, at least.

The emotional wounds would take longer to heal.


My perch high in the mountains gave me a perfect vantage point to fling my binding magic and observe the battle, but it came at a cost. I watched Vadim fall to an iron bolt through the chest. Liliana, Endre, and Drazen had sped off, over the jagged peaks, and disappeared into the distance. “Send scouts over there. I want to know where they went.”

“Yes, My King,” Desmond said, using his Mage magic to relay the message.

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