Page 107 of Freed

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Dragons dove toward the advancing fliers, picking off a few before the Night Fae aimed and littered a purple Dragon witharrows. She careened to the ground, flailing her one good wing toward the encampment so as not to land on her own people. Even knowing she would not survive, she tried to help in whatever way she could.

A wave of gratitude and sadness swept through me as she collided with the ground, skidded, and then released her final breath and returned to her Fae form.

Thinking better of an attack with claws, the Dragons flew higher, trying to stay out of range while blasting the Fae below them with a rainbow of fire. As the battle in the sky raged on, more and more Night Fae joined it, leaving the ground to aid their brethren above.

And then the sun slipped below the horizon.

Blasts of silvery magic soon filled the sky, sending Iron Fae and Félvér scattering in every direction, only to be shot with an arrow a moment later.

“Their magic is stronger now that night has fallen,” I said, gripping Ruslan’s arm as a flicker of fear dimmed the white fire burning in my chest.

With predatory slowness, he turned his head and revealed the sinister smirk spreading over his face. “We need to retreat.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but his low laugh cut me off. “We all know their magic is stronger now. By retreating, they will follow us into the mountains where we have the advantage.”

“You planned this all along, didn’t you?” I replied, wiping my brow and likely smearing blood in the process.

“I told you to trust me,” he purred, reaching out and brushing a sweaty tendril of hair away from my face. “I needed our soldiers to believe that this was the place where we’d make our stand, to make a dent in the army. Now that we have, we need to entice them to follow us.”

My brilliant mate.

“Then what are we waiting for?” I grinned, giddiness rushing through my veins alongside a new wave of adrenaline.

Ruslan winked, then shouted orders to retreat. Zuriel relayed them to Drazen and the Demons telepathically, and the message passed quickly across the battlefield.

The Night Realm’s archers dropped from the skies, watching us race into the narrow, rocky paths that led toward the Iron Realm’s border in the mountains. A cheer rose through their army as they were told to stand down, and when Ruslan took my hand, I allowed him to move us ahead of the others and into Zherzha Pass, where I’d started to fall in love with him.


One of the commanders jogged up to my position at the rear of the army. “They’re retreating, My King,” he panted, wiping sweat from his brow despite the chilly night air.

“Retreating?” I questioned, accepting his outstretched spyglass and training it across the battlefield. Sure enough, through the dim light of the fires and the sliver of moon, tens of thousands of soldiers raced toward the rocky cliffs and narrow paths that led into the Agrenak Mountains. The Dragons that had relentlessly flown overhead followed them, some stopping to pick up riders before soaring away. A wicked grin rolled off my face, and I strode forward in search of my generals.

I found Vadim and Viktor covered in blood and surrounded by limping infantry, most dropping onto logs around roaring fires. Healers tended to the wounded, the most injured carried in the arms of their uninjured brethren and settled side by side.

“Why is everyone relaxing? We need to follow them into the mountains. We can’t let them get away,” I insisted, running a hand over my face in frustration.

Vadim and Viktor exchanged a look.

“We will. But they’re on the run now, and sending scouts to search for them will help us plan our attack better,” Viktor explained.

“It should only be a few hours before we attack again, and in the meantime, our soldiers could use some rest and a hot meal,” Vadim added in a rush.

I nodded, scanning the area. Already, cooks were handing out hot bowls of stew and bread. Blood coated the hands and faces of my legions, but they didn’t care as they sucked down every morsel.

“Fine,” I relented, but the binding magic in my chest beat its protest against my ribcage, thirsting for release. I’d yet to let it play in battle, and it hated me for it. But tonight, I would unleash it and let it eat to its fill. “When you send the scout, have them search for Ruslan specifically. It’s time he dies.”

“Consider it done,” Vadim said, striding off quickly, hopefully to relay my orders. Viktor dipped his chin and then raced after him.

I wasn’t alone for long. Desmond sauntered up, his hands tucked behind his back. “My King, what a great victory you have won. You’re going to rule this continent before tomorrow night, I think.”

I hummed my acknowledgement, looking up to the stars and moon. Their light caressed my face, and my name echoed in my ears.




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