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“I think so too,” she smiled back, melting my heart with how happy she was.

“You’ve always been my light in the dark, and now your lantern will guide mine to the Goddess like the beacon of hope that it is.” I pulled her flush against me and pressed my mouth to hers, not caring who viewed their king showing his devotion to their future queen. In only a few days, we’d be married, mated, and crowned together, and I couldn’t fucking wait.

A throat cleared behind me, forcing me to break away from Izidora. Drazen and Liliana waited there, both holding the lanterns they’d selected, plus the black one I’d picked out for myself. “Ready to go to the other side?” Liliana asked, her seafoam green eyes dancing with amusement.

“First, we need to make a trip upstairs. I have a feeling we’ll be buying more,” Izidora laughed, lifting some of her items from Drazen’s precarious pile. I snatched my lantern before it tumbled to the ground, then grabbed Izidora’s before saying goodbye to the king and queen of the Crystal Realm. The crowd had thinned, making it easier to navigate the distance between us and the open doors of the citadel. A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I carried our things inside.

I had spoiled Izidora, but she deserved it, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Béke Day Ten

The large terrace overlooking Radence was finely decorated for entertaining our noble guests. Fire tables like the ones Ruslan had used when he asked me to marry him ringed the round table, blasting heat on the dark, chilly night. Soft candlelight flickered on the table and above us, adding elegance and romance to the atmosphere.

When Ruslan told me that King Airre had asked for a private dinner for the monarchs, without Kazimir, my heart leaped to my throat. The time spent winning them over, slowly but surely, had paid off. We would be able to unite the realms, bring peace, and allow all peoples to live in harmony with one another. Zuriel and the other Telivér, as well as the Félvér, had mixed and mingled with them as well, and their presence melted my wariness away like the snow on a sunny day.

The six of us settled around the round table, blood-red rose petals decorating the center so nothing blocked our views of one another. Servants appeared and disappeared with fine wine and delicious food, and no one’s glass was ever empty. The monarchof the Crystal Realm needed to be thoroughly flattered before we broached the subject of Kazimir, and Ruslan ensured that success with the fine meal he arranged.

I was seated between the two monarchs of the Day Realm, while Ruslan sat across from me, between the two monarchs of the Crystal Realm. The placement felt balanced and non-threatening, seeming to place us all on equal ground.

Queen Viktoria’s colorful attire stood out among the six of us, the bright, warm yellow of her dress almost replacing the sun as the stars winked to life above us. King Consort Geza wore a matching yellow ensemble, the color nearly as deep as his voice. He was by far the biggest male I’d ever seen, and yet he exuded a warmth that put me at ease. “King Consort Geza, what part of the Day Realm are you from?”

“Believe it or not, I am from a tiny fishing village close to the border with the Iron Realm. Growing up, I could sit on the tip of my father’s boat and gaze upon the peaks of the Agrenak Mountains,” he replied, then lifted a piece of flaky fish to his mouth and chewed slowly.

“It sounds lovely. I’d love to explore more of the continent. I spent too long in one place.” I sipped my wine, savoring the crisp taste as it washed over my tongue.

“I agree. It is far too cold here in the Iron Realm. You are welcome to warm your bones in the Day Realm anytime,” he chuckled.

“I will hold you to that,” I grinned back.

“And you must visit us in the Crystal Realm,” Queen Immonen exclaimed, lifting her glass of wine to me.

I mirrored her. “Absolutely. You said this white wine is from one of your vineyards?”

“It is. King Ruslan has good taste,” she enthused, glancing at my mate.

“In more than one respect,” he replied, shooting me a look that held enough heat to make me blush.

Dessert was a fluffy vanilla cake with fruit-filled frosting, and I nearly moaned at the way it melted in my mouth. Sweets would never cease to amaze me.

Queen Viktoria chuckled beside me. “I have the excuse of growing a babe in my belly to eat an extra slice of this.”

“I’ll have to train twice as hard tomorrow for the next two slices I’m eating,” I replied, shoveling another forkful in my mouth without regard for proper decorum.

“Do you train every day?” she asked, dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

“I do. It is what makes me feel strong, powerful, like I can defend myself after so long of not being able to.” The queen flattened her lips, concern passing over her brow. She had seen the scars on my back the day we shopped for dresses, so she knew just how powerless I had been. “It was thanks to my training that I was able to force Kazimir off me when he attacked me yesterday.”

A hush fell over the group like my words had sucked all the oxygen from the space around us.

“King Ruslan mentioned that. Can you tell us exactly what happened?” King Airre requested, his words careful and slow.

Before describing our encounter, I sipped from my wine to steady myself. “The males had returned from the hunt while I was training with the Angel, Zuriel, and High Lady Liliana. I ran to greet Ruslan, and afterward, he helped carry the stag inside. I watched them go, only to be stopped when Kazimir approached. He told me you almost died in the mountains again, trying to make me feel sympathy for him. When I didn’t give him that and tried to leave, he used his magic to stop me, slapped me, called me a bitch, shoved me down, and tried to choke me. Thankfully,I was able to get him off, and Zuriel was nearby to assist me in returning to the citadel safely.”

Queen Viktoria shook with anger, throwing her napkin onto the table as she scoffed. “Unbelievable. And he calls you his mate. No male wouldevertreat their mate that way.”

“I can confirm that,” King Airre offered, the grip around his fork so tight I thought he might bend it.

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