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Forcing myself to unclench my jaw, I looked up from the paper and locked eyes with the new king, whose smug, self-important expression told me he knew exactly what was written on this slip.

Fucking Kazimir.

The bastard even wore the Night Crown, flaunting his new status in my face even more so than in my mate’s. But in the end, I got Izidora, and he lost.

So why was he not angry?

If it had been the other way around, I would have lost my shit, tearing everything and anyone around me to pieces to slake the utter anguish that would have consumed my soul. I was nota good male, but I fucking tried for Izidora. I would do anything for her, as evidenced by the way I tortured each and every male who’d kept her chained in that cave.

Shaking away my unanswered questions and dark thoughts, I cleared my throat and tried my best to sound enthusiastic. I was hosting, unfortunately. “The winner of the competition this year is the Night Realm.”

Cheers erupted from the gathered Night Fae, and Kazimir sauntered toward the stage like he was the king of the Iron Realm too, escorted by raucous claps. Our gazes collided with the force of an avalanche, so many unsaid words flinging between us as he approached. The officiant stopped halfway between us, the large, elegant box he held hiding the ultimate prize.

With a dramatic flourish, he unveiled a goose egg-sized gem, the stone transforming from a deep green to a deep purple as a sliver of light pierced it. Each knuckle on my hand popped in quick, violent succession as Kazimir lifted the stone from its velvet setting and held it high for all to see. The gemstone was a new discovery, thanks to those tunnels carved into the mountains leading to the other realms, and this was our largest find to date. The Dragon in me wanted nothing more than to snatch it from his oily fingers and fly away to add it to my collection, but I resisted with every ounce of sanity left in me, because I needed the other monarchs to believe I was better thanhim.

With this goal in the forefront of my mind, I clapped my hands, allowing the forceful slaps to soothe that part of me that relied on pain to cope. As the crowd died down, I spoke again. “Please join us for a celebratory feast tonight at Ryza Citadel marking the halfway point in Béke. And remember, in two days, we begin celebrating our Goddess, who has granted Északi long-lasting peace in her generosity.”

Not that that peace would last much longer.

The crowd began to disperse, and I immediately sought out my mate. She stood in a huddle with Liliana and Domi, their heads bent together as they whispered furiously. My heart twinged as I paused for a moment to watch her with her friends, something she’d never had before and something I knew she held onto dearly. Liliana was good to her, and I hoped that she would understand, for Izidora’s sake, that she’d chosen me over Kazimir.

Though, with the furtive glances the three stole at the aforementioned male, I did not doubt that she would.

He had already rejoined the other Night Fae, the winter sun glinting off of his newly minted crown. My jaw clenched becausesomeonein the Iron Realm had to have made it for him, and I would make it a personal mission to find out who. Ambros would never betray me like that, but he would know who did. And once I had them in my clutches, they’d feel the wrath that had been trained into me from childhood, and I’d slake a sliver of my fury by delivering the most delicious kind of pain to them until they begged me to end their life.

Fucking king of the Night Realm.

The heat that boiled inside me must have caught Izidora’s attention, because not a moment later, her gorgeous aquamarine eyes snapped from her friends to me. Her brow pinched ever so slightly as she focused, and the raging boil transformed into a low simmer. I loosed a breath, feeling my shoulders relax as she soothed me. Even from a distance, she lent me strength and support. The corner of my mouth twitched up as I realized she and Zuriel had kept yet another secret from Rares and me about her abilities.

“Come to me, mate. I have not had enough of you yet.”

Those gem-like eyes sparkled as I spoke in her mind.“In a moment. I’m inviting Liliana and Domi to come with me tomorrow.”

“That is a brilliant idea, sprite. You are going to be so beautiful.”

A blush crept across her cheeks under my fervent attention and pretty words, but she returned her focus to the conversation in front of her. I knew by the high-pitched squeal and bouncing from Liliana the moment Izidora told her friends what she had planned for the following day, and my heart melted at the sight of her excitement for my mate.

Being mated was better than I ever thought it could be. I felt safe in a way I never had, loved in a way I never thought was possible, and for the first time in my life, I relaxed into knowing that would never change.


All the lights in Vaenor had been extinguished, casting all the Fae in attendance in darkness. The crowd shifted from foot to foot as a strong breeze whipped off the dark ocean, crashing waves audible in the distance. Gradually, as if the Goddess were flicking stars down from the heavens above, lights flickered into existence, highlighting the faces of the lantern holders.

The lantern release was a highly anticipated tradition during Béke, especially when the feast was not hosted in the Night Realm. The king and most of the High Houses celebrated in the Day Realm, and the revelry was not as excessive as it had been two years prior when the Night Realm had played host. The night when all gathered to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new always ended in an enormous party, and without parties on the preceding nights to lessen the appetite for another, the crowd vibrated with anticipation.

A chocolate-haired female stood amidst a crowd of young Night Fae at the rear of the group, most of the males surrounding her competing for her attention. She rolled her eyes at their antics, dismissing them one by one. The area aroundthem brightened as the firesticks made their way to the back of the group, only spurring the males’ efforts to win her attention. One went so far as to dangle the firestick just out of her reach in an attempt to draw her close enough to be able to kiss her beneath it.

But her brother had trained her well, and in several swift movements, she’d disarmed the suitor and snatched the light for herself. With great care, she brought it above her lantern’s fragile paper encasing, dipping it to find the wick within. She was lonely, despite the constant attention of males around her, and this year, she knew, was the year the Goddess would grant her wish.

No other noble female in the Night Realm loved fighting as much as she did. Her long lashes and longer locks drew the attention and envy of all those around her, along with her striking seafoam green eyes. Most of the young females around her were friendly, but none let her close because they saw her as competition – and for good reason. Yet these young males surrounding her held none of her attention. She wanted someone older, stronger, and with enough will to match her own.

But most importantly, she wanted a friend – one who loved fighting, fashion, and fun just as much as she did.

It was that fervently held hope that lit the wick of her lantern, and it was the promise of the Goddess granting her the friend she’d always wanted that had her ignoring those around her. She prayed, holding the wish within her heart, like it was an essential part of her being, until the High Priestess began her melodic, solemn chant, signaling the gathered Fae to release their floating lights into the sky.

With one last look at the aqua-blue lantern, she opened her palms, allowing the fire to fill it and lift it into the sky, joining thethousands of others as the ocean breeze called them away from Este Castle.

Her eyes never left the lantern as it sailed away, and she remained steadfast in her spot until she could see it no longer. Only then did she join the throng of Fae searching for the nearest location to obtain a drink, many slipping indoors in an attempt to escape the night’s wintry chill.

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