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Whatever lay ahead of us, I knew one thing with absolute certainty – I would never be alone again.


Béke Day Six

All eyes were on me when I waltzed into the breakfast room wearing a black crown glittering with diamonds, like the jeweler had pulled the night sky down and formed it into my new headpiece. All eyes except the four I truly wanted.

Where the fuck were Izidora and Ruslan?

My vision flashed black before I sucked in a breath, wrestling for control with the binding magic. I ran a palm over my face after I’d regained a semblance of it, then scanned the room for a third time, counting every noble attending Béke save for the two of them. I wanted to break something, but I was the king of the Night Realm, and I needed to act like the cold, calculated ruler I was expected to be. Squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin, I piled food onto my plate then strode to the table where the other monarchs sat.

Queen Viktoria and King Consort Geza’s eyes narrowed for a fraction of a moment before they schooled their expressions, but King Airre was the first to comment on my new appearance.“Nice crown. Does this mean the Night Realm has decided on a change in leadership?”

The chair across from him was unoccupied, so I slid into it. “It does. I am now King of the Night Realm. I am afraid that Izidora will not choose me, so we thought it best that we have stable leadership in the face of uncertainty.”

Queen Immonen’s clear blue eyes cut my way momentarily before she lifted her drink to her lips and intently stared at the tapestry over my shoulder.

“I should think you also would like to keep a Night Fae ruler on your throne,” King Airre offered, though his tone was unreadable, lacking sympathy or support.

“That we do. As High Lord Kaztar reminded me, House Vaszoly ruled prior to House Valynor.” I bit into a roll slathered in butter, chewing slowly while the rulers of the Day Realm considered me.

“Does this change any of your other plans?” Queen Viktoria leaned in, voice dropping low with her question.

“It does not. The Night Realm was still attacked, unprovoked, and that will need to be answered, even if Izidora does not choose to return to her rightful home with me.”

“Izidora does have a choice between two mates, you know,” Queen Immonen hissed, unable to contain her words. The female was tense, fingers curled around her silverware and turning white. “The fate of our world rests upon this choice. It is not one she should take lightly.”

King Airre shot her a look, placing his hand over hers in a soothing way. “What my mate means to say is that whomever Princess Izidora chooses, she must have a good reason for it.”

Queen Viktoria made a low noise in her throat, and my attention immediately snapped to her. “Is there something you wish to say, Queen Viktoria?”

She waved her hand dismissively in my direction. “Only that you males are all self-important and do not often deign to consider what us females may go through.”

Queen Immonen tipped her already raised glass at Queen Viktoria. “I’ll drink to that.” Her eyes cut my way again before she sipped.

This was not how I wanted this conversation to go.

I was losing control of the situation, fast. The hand that rested on my knee tightened over it, nearly bruising myself as I reined in my anger. “But of course, you are right,” I said in my most polite, most humble voice. “We males like to fight and fuck and don’t think often about feelings or the consequences.”

“There is nothing quite like the feeling of victory, though,” King Consort Geza chuckled. “Especially after you bested the best of all the realms yesterday, King Kazimir.”

I lifted my glass to the king of the Day Realm. “Truer words have never been spoken. My mount will sport some of his new armor today for the horseback competition.”

“I suppose High Lady Domi will be the ultimate winner today,” Queen Immonen said quickly, clearly wanting to change the subject. “Her horses and horsemanship are impeccable.”

“That would give the Night Realm a solid lead,” I grinned. “Are you sure you want that?”

Queen Immonen frowned, and the rest of the monarchs sitting around the table shared a low laugh. “Peaceful competition, that is what Béke is for,” she responded sharply. “If you’ll excuse me, I need a small nap before today’s activities.”

The scrape of wood on stone preceded her departure, her silky dress floating behind her as she rushed from the dining space. “I’m afraid I am also requiring some extra sleep. I look forward to our peaceful competition later,” her husband echoed before following his wife to their temporary home in the Iron Realm.

Queen Viktoria and King Consort Geza remained quiet a few seats down from me, so I turned my attention to my food, clearing my plate absentmindedly while I wondered where Izidora was.

Tuning into that tug in my belly that had allowed me to sense where she was, I found it to be faint, though not absent as it had been while we trekked from the Night Realm, through the Crystal and Day Realms, and finally into the Iron Realm to reach Radence. Excusing myself, I decided to follow that line and see where it led me.

After all, I was a king, and clearly, Izidora wanted a male who could offer her power and prestige rather than the other way around. But to show her that this change had taken place, I needed to find her, and then she would see that I could give her everything Ruslan had and more.

Between the ropes of magic in my chest, I called to my moonlight, pulling and manipulating shadows as I stalked the halls of Ryza, trying to remain inconspicuous. No one paid me any attention as the tug pulled me toward the main gates in the courtyard, and after a furtive glance around, I called on the binding magic to mix with the moonlight and cloaked myself in an invisible shield.

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