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If not for the thick cloak covering my smile, Kaztar would have seen that I’d maneuvered him right where I wanted him. Clearing my throat and swiping at my eyes, I lifted my gaze to meet his. “What do you suggest? We can’t get a raven to Este Castle fast enough to make a decision, and I’m almost certain High Lords Valintin and Luzak would vie for the throne again.”

The five of us had formed a circle, facing each other on our mounts. I glanced from friend to friend, hoping none could see through the act. But I was good at hiding my true feelings when I wanted to, for none of them knew the level of obsession I had with Izidora prior to us finding her. Viktor’s dark brows were pinched over his sage eyes, and I knew him well enough to know he was analyzing every possibility. “Our fathers have given us full autonomy to make decisions on their behalf. We don’t need to send a raven to Este Castle when we have a majority here.”

“That is true,” Vadim said, “but if one of you is to become king, that would take you out of the running, evening out the vote.”

A small smile tugged up the corner of my lips. “Before we left Este Castle, I spoke with Endre and Viktor’s fathers about moving House Arzeni up once Izidora and I married, since House Vaszoly’s seat would be open. They agreed.”

Vadim’s evergreen eyes shone for a moment before he smoothed back his long, dark brown hair piled into a bun on the top of his head. “But House Vaszoly is still a High House at the moment.”

Kaztar interrupted him. “I see what you’re saying, Kazimir. We could elevate Vadim to our level, knowing that one of us would be king, to provide a fair vote. I like it.”

“Precisely,” I agreed. “The ruling of the Night Realm is being handled by your fathers at the moment, and there’s not much they can do here or we can do there.” I dropped my voice low so only they could hear. “The Iron Realm still invaded our sovereign territory, and regardless of Izidora choosing me or Ruslan, that cannot go without a response. We need a leader who can get us the justice we deserve.”

“Fuck yes,” Viktor said, his eyes flashing with excitement.

“I agree completely, Kazimir,” Kaztar grinned. “After you saved us from the avalanche, I think you should be king. I trust you with my life, and I trust you to lead me in battle. You are the leader of the Nighthounds, and these males have always looked to you for guidance. So long as you can contain your… new magic, you’d make a fine king.”

Fucking Fates, Kaztar said everything I needed him to say.

“Kaztar, you flatter me. I was going to suggest that you should be king. After all, House Rass ruled before House Valynor,” I responded, hoping I sounded humble.

“You forget that House Vaszoly ruled between the two,” he chided, then he looked to Viktor, Vadim, and Endre. “What do you think? Should Kazimir be our new king?”

The wolfish grin on Vadim’s face preceded his confirmation. Viktor needed no further convincing, though Endre’s peridot eyes held a hint of something I could not place. “I don’t know who else could lead us like Kazimir,” Endre finally said.

I dipped my head, feigning humility at their decision. “I don’t know that I could possibly rule an entire realm, especially since I was not trained for it. But with you all by my side, we will make the Night Realm, and all of Északi, a better place.”

“All hail, King Kazimir Vaszoly of the Night Realm,” Kaztar cheered, and Vadim released an answering whoop of excitement.

“Welcome to the High Houses, Vadim,” I laughed, saluting my friend.

“Think I can get even more pussy tonight at Steel now that I’m a High Lord?” He waggled his eyebrows, sending our group into a fit of laughter.

Endre rolled his eyes, then turned his mount back to the road. “Probably some dick, too,” he called over his shoulder. Vadim and Viktor dug their heels into their mounts' sides, trying to catch Endre, and the three of them squabbled while Kaztar and I hung back.

“Thank you for your support, Kaztar. I want you to know that I do consider you a friend and an essential part of our group.”

The male was quiet for a moment, the silence between us filled with the clopping of hooves and indistinct arguing ahead of us. “I’m sorry you didn’t get Izidora back, Kazimir. If Domi had chosen another male over me… I don’t know what I would have done. I will forgive you your outbursts because I cannot imagine the pain you are in. Let’s get the rest of this feast over with, and then we’ll get vengeance for the Night Realm and for you.”

“How should we announce the change in leadership?” I asked him. “Unfortunately we do not have the Night Crown with us.”

Kaztar snorted. “We’re in the Iron Realm. Go have something made. Something that looks like a big ‘fuck you’ to Ruslan and will make Izidora regret her choice.”

“She hasn’t officially chosen yet, but maybe my newfound status will sway her. Then it might even be a win-win,” I shrugged.

“Brilliant, Kazimir. Let’s leave them to their argument and go find a jeweler to make a crown fit for the king of the NightRealm,” Kaztar grinned, his horse picking up speed as he sensed his rider’s excitement.

I allowed him to lead us in the direction of Radence, all the while biting back the smile that threatened to reveal my victory.

I was King of the Night Realm, and I would get what was mine.


Light hair fanned out across the pillow as the female laid flushed and waiting for the chiseled male before her to strip. His emerald eyes glinted with a hint of something sinister as he watched the rapid rise and fall of her bare breasts. “Hands above your head,” he instructed, pressing a knee into the mattress and causing it to dip.

She did as he bid, gripping the pole of the wooden headboard with both hands. Moments later, they were restrained by silvery cuffs of magic, rendering her unable to move them. A giggle escaped her lips as the male drank in her naked form, his cock bobbing as he made his way to her center. Bracing his hands on either side of her head, he dipped his own to her neck, nipping at the fluttering pulse and growling when he felt its erratic beat. “Are you ready to play?”

“Yes,” she breathed, arching her back off the bed and brushing her hardened nipples against his chest. She was immediately pinned against the bed by a hand on her throat and another on her hip bone, eliciting a shocked gasp. He rested his hand around her delicate throat, loving the way it workedbeneath him as she struggled to breathe, struggled to knock him off with her hands pinned above her head.

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