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“Deal. Let me see what we have here.” I left her on the sofa while I browsed the stack of books Drazen sent over, landing on a fantasy that was more challenging than the romance she’d finished before we greeted our guests.

I kicked off my boots and tossed my suit jacket across the back of a nearby chair, then returned to the couch. Izidora scooted forward, leaning away so I had room to settle behind her. I wrapped her up in me so her head lay against my thumping heart. “Give this one a try,” I said, handing her the leather-bound book.

“Age of Dragons.” She read the title perfectly, and I gave her a tight squeeze of affirmation. The smell of old parchment wafted up to my sensitive nostrils as she opened to the first page, her bright voice slowly enunciating every word. She was over five pages in before she stumbled across a word she did not know.

“Anonymous,” I breathed in her ear, eliciting a shiver that had my cock standing to attention.

“Anonymous,” she continued, her voice hoarser than before. I grinned behind her back, pleased with the impact that small act had on her.

Our bond heated, that thirst to be closer to her driving me to snake my arm around her waist and flex my hardened muscles against her ribs. “I can never be close enough to you,” I murmured, burying myself in her rosy scent and hoping to die right then and there with my mate in my arms. Fuck the rest of the world. If I could have my mate whisper those sweet words of acceptance, I’d give it all up just to spend my days like this.

Her breath hitched, but she continued to read. I wasn’t a male who leaned heavily on the support of the Goddess or the Fates, but in that moment, I prayed to anyone who would listen to let her choose me.


Béke Day One

Liliana wore the same dress she’d worn the night Izidora was kidnapped from Este Castle, the nude glitter catching the light of the giant fireplace in the living area of the suite. Between the reminder of that night and the way Endre looked at her with pure adoration, waves of irritation and jealousy shot down my arms, curling my fingers into my palms until the nails bit into the skin. Domi dripped jewels, and if I didn’t know any better, I would have said she belonged in the Iron Realm.

Vadim sprawled across a couch, drink in hand, and he whistled when Viktor and I emerged. “Looking sharp, Kazimir.”

“Thank the Goddess you finally shaved that awful beard,” Liliana laughed.

“I appreciate you all letting me know I looked like shit before,” I deadpanned.

Vadim and Viktor snorted, the former tipping the last of his drink into his mouth before rising from his seat. “Anytime, brother,” he teased.

Kaztar cleared his throat, swirling ice around his glass. “Shall we convene with the Crystal Realm before we go to the feast?”

“Lead the way, Kaztar,” Viktor said. “There are a few items of business I’d like to discuss.”

Tucking his wife’s hand into the crook of his arm, Kaztar led us through the maze of halls until we stopped in front of a large set of double doors. He knocked four times, with a long pause between the third and fourth – the signal we’d agreed upon before arriving in the Iron Realm.

High Lord Tukka answered the door, his hungry expression sweeping up and down Liliana appreciatively before acknowledging us and allowing us to pass. Endre’s fists curled and uncurled as he passed through the door, and I bit my lip to hide the snicker that threatened to escape as he became possessive of Liliana. She soaked up every second of the males silently promising war over her, much to Vadim’s dismay and Domi’s amusement.

King Airre settled a dainty tiara over his wife’s head, and Aake and Mikko, the other High Lords of the Crystal Realm who joined us, lounged in the middle of the large, open apartment with tall windows and high ceilings. When Queen Immonen rose, she spun to face us immediately, clapping her hands as she beamed over our appearances. “You all look lovely! Please, have a seat anywhere you’d like, there is more than enough room.”

We spread out among the array of couches, chairs, and poufs, the High Lords of the Crystal Realm passing around glasses and drinks while we chatted. Once the monarchs had been served, Viktor cleared his throat. “What do you think happened to King Azim?”

King Airre blanched, his lips forming a thin line as he shook his head. “I can only assume that he is dead, though by natural or unnatural cause is certainly up for debate. If I had to guess, I would say that Ruslan is king by force. I knew King Azim longenough to know his tells and how to approach him – I guess not well enough to know about the experiments done in secret within these very walls – but we will have to dance delicately with King Ruslan until we have more information. I do not think this will change our other plans,” he finished with a low whisper.

“I don’t like the male. There is something almost manic about him, almost like he could be welcoming one moment and have you pinned beneath his sword the next,” High Lord Tukka declared, betraying the true depth of his emotion with the way his knuckles tightened over the arms of the chair.

“That we can definitely agree upon, Tukka,” Viktor said grimly.

The queen tapped her finger on her chin for a moment, and we fell silent, waiting for her to speak. “We should have a day for just us females. I’d like to get to know Izidora better, and perhaps Liliana and Domi can coax some truth from her. The Iron Realm has natural hot springs that run from the mountains, and the water is incredible for your skin. I will suggest a day at the spa for us.”

Liliana beamed, excitement bursting from her at the idea of pampering and relaxation. “That is a brilliant idea, thank you, Queen Immonen.”

“King Ruslan better not deny me this. I went on my own when we were here four years ago, and my skin was soft for months afterward.” The queen swooned, a dreamy expression crossing her face, rendering it serene.

Her husband lifted her bejeweled hand and planted a light kiss on the back of it. “I’ll ensure you get to go before we leave, my love.” Liliana and Domi’s sighs were audible as they watched the tender moment between the mated pair.

King Airre glanced at the large clock pinned to the wall. I followed, noting that the time for the ball drew near. Nervous anticipation settled in my gut, the sick feeling hollowing me outand setting me on edge. I glanced at Endre, whose half-smile bolstered my confidence.

I would show Izidora that I was the better male, and she would come running back to me before the night was over.

“Who is ready to make an entrance?” I grinned roguishly as the High Lords jumped to their feet, mischief and plotting in each of their expressions. King Airre and Queen Immonen followed shortly after, the latter gliding in front of us to the double doors, head held high and shoulders back in a display of regal confidence.

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