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“As you command,” he said, pushing off the chair. “Are you almost ready for the swords competition?”

I rose from my chair, cracking my knuckles as I strode toward Drazen. “We can go together. Izidora is off with Liliana somewhere, and I know she won’t miss this competition, not after how hard she’s been training.”

Thankfully, my magic was brimming, and muttering the spell that moved us through time and space to a hidden spot near the competition arena was effortless. Drazen and I emerged from the nondescript building to an overcast day that threatened to douse the Iron Realm in snow. Already, the seating was packed, and the singular range that had been erected for the archery competition had been broken down into three separate sparring rings in preparation for the swordsmanship competition. Unlikethe archery competition, there were classes based on sex and size, and each had its own bracket.

The stage waited for me, and as I ascended the stairs, I surveyed the competition sprawling before me, spotting Izidora, Liliana, and Queen Immonen strapping into armor off to one side. Izidora’s armor gleamed despite the lack of sun, the lightweight metal fitting her like a glove. Her eyes shone like gemstones when I’d presented them to her that morning, and the memory of her unfiltered joy eased the ache of her absence from my chest.

I could never get enough of her.

Taking my seat, I turned to Queen Viktoria, the only monarch not participating in the events. “Queen Viktoria, you look lovely today.”

My compliment was not insincere; the queen’s beauty was striking, her dark skin stretched over high cheekbones and sharp eyes that missed nothing. Even bundled in furs, she did not lose her vibrant style, and the orange headdress she wore today was like a beacon among all the gray.

“King Ruslan,” she trilled, “you flatter me.”

“Not at all, Your Highness. If the babe is a girl, I hope she takes after you.”

The queen threw her head back and laughed. “I do too. Can you imagine what Geza would look like as a female?”

King Consort Geza had stepped into the first ring with Savich, and as they squared up, I tried to imagine the muscled Day Fae as a female. “I cannot,” I admitted with a wry grin. “If she does end up looking like him, it might be best to secure a marriage contract for her while she is still a child.”

Queen Viktoria smacked my arm as she cackled with amusement. “Are you trying to tell me something, King Ruslan?”

“My mate is not pregnant, Queen Viktoria. That I can assure you. In fact,” I dropped my voice and dipped my head towardher, “Izidora had never had contraception until she arrived in the Iron Realm. I was shocked to learn that Kazimir had not offered it to her despite their intimacy.”

The queen of the Day Realm sucked in a breath and shook her head. “After everything that poor child has been through…”

Despite Izidora’s wise soul, she was, in fact, barely an adult – something I frequently forgot as I interacted with her. To me, it felt as if we’d been together for years instead of months, and she was as familiar to me as my own reflection. She’d always been part of me, and I’d always been part of her, and we would continue to be, even beyond this lifetime.

“And now she must make a nearly impossible choice between the two of us, with the course of history depending on the path she chooses. Obviously, I want her to choose me. She is my soul, my fire, my reason for breathing. But if she were to choose Kazimir, I would have to let her go for the sake of the world. I only wonder if he would do the same.”

Planting the seeds of doubt in Queen Viktoria’s mind seemed to be working, for she hummed her agreement. But the way she pressed her lips together told me she knew more than she let on. Clashing steel drew our attention, and I whipped my head to the three sparring rings, where King Consort Geza and Savich fought fiercely, their blades locked between their chests. But Savich was slow in his metal armor, and the king of the Day Realm shoved him off and circled away, swinging a heavy blade toward Savich’s abdomen. The tip of the blade grazed against the Félvér’s armor, earning the Day Fae five points.

The timer had yet to run out on the round, and I trailed my gaze across the two other rings. A pair of Iron Fae I did not know battled in the center while High Lady Domi fought a Félvér female at the other end. The females’ bout ended before all the sand fell to the bottom of the glass, the Félvér catching the Night Fae female off guard and sending her to her back. King ConsortGeza bested Savich a moment before the sand ran out, while the pair in the middle had to be judged on points.

“Your husband is an incredible fighter,” I commented to Queen Viktoria as Geza’s hand was raised in the center of the ring, and he clapped arms with Savich before they both exited.

“Why do you think I married him?” A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, but her eyes never left him.

“Fair enough,” I replied, leaning forward on my elbows as Izidora stepped into the ring with Queen Immonen. The queen of the Crystal Realm was waif-like and tall, and she held a thin rapier that extended her reach. Izidora boasted the two short swords I had gifted her, their hilts inlaid with garnets and obsidian. The flash of silver roses carved into the blades caught my attention, and an impish grin spread across my face.

My insidious bloom.

Izidora did not call white flame to her blades, and for once, I was grateful. Her power was unique, and I did not want her to become a target, not with so many unknowns and eyes on her at the moment. The other two rings were forgotten as the sand was turned, signaling the start to the next round, and Izidora waited patiently for Queen Immonen to make the first move. The Crystal Realm was not known for producing warriors, and it was immediately clear to me that Queen Immonen was no exception.

Izidora danced around her long, thin blade, parrying it as she stepped in and around, swinging her new swords in a flurry of activity designed to off-balance her opponent. Even from this distance, I could see that light danced in her eyes as she threw herself into the fight, and my blood heated as she executed each move with precision and speed like we’d practiced daily since we arrived in the Iron Realm. The glass was still nearly filled with sand when Queen Immonen yielded, and a wide grin stretched across my face, reflecting the one my mate wore.

“She is an incredible fighter,” Queen Viktoria commented, patting my hand.

“She works hard at everything she does,” I replied. “I’ve never met anyone with so much enthusiasm for life.”

“Neither have I,” she mused, pulling the fur shawl tighter around her as a cold breeze blew through the arena.

The wind picked up a few stray chestnut hairs that had fallen out of Izidora’s braid as her hand was raised. Our eyes locked, and I shot her my best ‘I am so proud of you’ smile. She blushed a pretty shade of pink before her hand was dropped. Then she hugged Queen Immonen, the two of them chatting the entire walk out of the ring.

As the next class of competitors was called, I bid Queen Viktoria goodbye. I strode toward the matchmakers, scratching at their papers and shouting at contestants, trying to organize the chaos of the matches.

“King Ruslan Drakkar of the Iron Realm!” one of them called, half-standing and scanning the gathered group of males all roughly the same size.

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