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“Yeah, I know,” he mumbled, facing forward once more.

King Airre and Queen Immonen arrived moments later, two of their three High Lords in tow, and behind them Queen Viktoria and King Consort Geza arrived with High Lord Domon.

Where were High Lords Aake and Soma?

I didn’t recall seeing them the previous night at the talent show or theater performance either. A horn blasted in the distance, cheers rippling through the crowd of onlookers, leaving me unable to dwell on those thoughts.

The parade had started.

The air filled with bright, happy music, and everyone craned their necks to the left, straining for the first glimpse. Every few minutes, an explosion sent streaming ribbons into the air, the colorful strings catching on the breeze and drifting away, some falling over the crowds while others mixed in with the snow.

It wasn’t long before the first part of the parade finally rolled around the corner, and the spectators whooped in excitement. A group of Iron Fae used their earth magic to guide the giant contraption down the street, allowing it to stop some distance away. It was too far for those in the stands to watch comfortably, but the performance didn’t last long before moving on. Thistime, they rolled to a stop in front of us, and the Iron Fae disappeared to allow the entertainment to go unblocked.

The performers appeared from nowhere, bursting out of the wooden ship on wheels and acting out a scene where the male and female Fae battled against one another for control of the wheel. When the females finally won, they stood at the bow and saluted, remaining in position as the ones below pulled the ship forward again.

It disappeared around the corner only to be replaced by another platform, artfully decorated with an intricate metal cage with a bejeweled sphere on top that glittered in the sun. People climbed out from between the bars, singing a tune before disappearing back inside and moving on to the next section.

Three more passed before an idea struck me. Glancing around, I noted that everyone was enraptured with the latest entertainment, no one paying the slightest bit of attention to what was happening around them. Carefully, I slid from my seat, calling shadows to me to blur my form as I slipped away from the seats and ducked beneath them.

Thank the Goddess I had taken the end seat.

Next, calling on the silvery part of my magic, I snaked it up through the stands and around the back to where Izidora sat with her friends. Her focus was on the performance, and holding my breath, I brushed my magic against the clasp around the heavy, bejeweled necklace that she wore. With great care, I broke the clasp, directing the necklace to fall to the side and down between the slats in the stands. It hit the ground with a thud beside me.

I called on my binding magic, combining it with the moonlight, and rendered myself invisible. Hurriedly, I stepped back and leaned against one of the thick wooden poles holding the grandstand together, heart pounding.

“Shit!” Izidora cursed above me.

“What’s wrong?” Ruslan asked.

“My necklace fell to the ground, scoot over so I can go find it. It’s one of my favorites.”

“I’ll get it for you, sprite, you should enjoy the parade.”

“No, it’s fine, I need a drink anyway.”

“Are you certain?”

“Bring me something,” Liliana chimed in.

Izidora laughed, and my stomach clenched at the bright, airy sound. “Will do.”

Her footsteps were light beneath her petite frame, but when I heard her boots crunch into the snow, my heart leaped to my throat. I could scarcely breathe as she approached, then bent to search the snow for her necklace. It only took her a few moments to uncover it, and she dusted it gently with the sleeve of her jacket before straightening.

A faraway look rested on her face, as if she were deep in thought about something. The expression held as she walked straight past me toward the private dining area just around the corner. I waited, holding my breath until she rounded it before following. My footsteps were muffled by my magic, and as I crept closer, her laughter hit my ears again. When I reached the corner, I peeked around it and saw Izidora hefting two mugs of hot wine, throwing a giggle and a thank you over her shoulder at the lone attendant.

This was my chance.

Izidora strolled back in my direction, headed for the stands where all the nobles attending Béke were preoccupied. She threw a glance over her shoulder, then looked straight ahead again, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. Her bright, aquamarine eyes scanned the area in front of her as if she were searching for something.


The moment she rounded the corner, I snatched her to me, slapping a hand over her mouth and wrapping the other around her waist so she couldn’t escape.

“Hello, Izidora. We need to talk.”


Béke Day Thirteen

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