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Drazen only made it halfway out the door before he leaned back to say something. “King Airre and Queen Viktoria are here, and they’d like to speak with you. Should I let them in?”

“Of course,” I replied, hurriedly straightening the mess on my desk as the other monarchs entered. “Can I get either of you a drink? I do have water in here, Queen Viktoria.”

She waved me off, the golden bangles around her wrist jingling. “We’ll only be here a moment.”

“Please have a seat.” I gestured to the two lavish chairs across from me.

They did, the queen resting a hand on her belly. “We spoke with King Kazimir.”

I raised a brow. “And?”

“We have broken our alliance with the Night Realm,” King Airre declared. “We’d appreciate it if High Lords Aake and Soma could have an escort out of the Iron Realm.”

“Consider it done,” I replied, then shouted for one of the guards at the door.

“Yes, My King?” Kriath said, poking his head into my office. “Please fetch Drazen for me.”

“Right away,” he replied, closing the door softly behind him. Drazen appeared moments later, having evidently not gotten far.

“How can I help?” he asked, looking between the three monarchs in the room.

“Can you arrange an escort for two High Lords returning to the Day Realm through Ferzo Pass?”

Drazen turned his attention to me, a silent question in his gaze. I dipped my chin to signal my approval. “Absolutely. When would they like to leave?”

“As soon as possible,” Queen Viktoria said. “We need to slip them out of the Iron Realm to stop the advance of the Crystal and Day Realms’ forces.”

That the king and queen were so forthcoming with me after all this time was a relief. The monarchs of Északi liked to be reserved in their thoughts and opinions, lest they reveal an advantage to a potential adversary. “Please make the arrangements before you take care of the evening’s entertainment,” I instructed Drazen, and he nodded.

“I’ll send a messenger to your rooms when the males are ready to depart.” He addressed the monarchs. “The stablehands will saddle their horses in the meantime.”

“Thank you, Drazen,” King Airre said warmly, Queen Viktoria echoing the statement.

Once Drazen hurried to arrange for the High Lords’s departure, I asked, “Do you think King Kazimir would try to prevent them from reaching the army?”

Queen Viktoria slumped in her chair. “I do not know what to make of King Kazimir anymore. But I will not risk my people by putting blind faith in someone who hasbinding magic.”

“I understand the sentiment completely, Queen Viktoria,” I replied. “What else can I do for you?”

“Nothing, King Ruslan. You’ve been incredibly helpful,” King Airre said, rising from his seat. He offered his hand to me, and I clasped his arm in farewell.

“I hope to see you both tonight for the performances,” I said, standing respectfully as they departed.

“We will be there.” Queen Viktoria offered me a warm smile before disappearing through the door King Airre held open for her.

When it clicked shut, a wide grin rippled across my face, and I threw my head back in a manic laugh.

We fucking did it.

Kazimir was destroyed and discredited before Béke was even finished. The other realms readily broke their alliance, and I looked like the hero instead of the villain. Everything was playing out exactly as was needed to advance our agenda, and I couldn’t wait to tell Izidora the good news.

“Sprite, I have something to tell you.”

“You sound relieved. What is it?”

“The Day and Crystal Realms have broken their alliance with the Night Realm.”

Her excitement coursed down our bond, mirroring my own.

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