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“There is more.” Ruslan released a heavy sigh, lifting his glass and swirling the wine in it. “Kazimir has binding magic.”

“Binding magic?” The queen of the Day Realm spit the words out like a bitter potion.

I nodded. “When he attacked me, the magic he threw at me was like two black ropes, crawling toward me. They were sinister, slithering almost, and if it weren’t for my training, I wouldn’t have been able to blast them away as quickly as I did.”

King Consort Geza made a disapproving noise in the back of his throat. “In the Day Realm, binding magic is the worst of omens. It only breeds evil in the heart of its bearer. How long has he been in possession of it?”

“According to my sources, since the Night Fae stopped in the Crystal Realm,” Ruslan answered for me, and I was grateful that he did not reveal Liliana as our source of information.

King Airre paled, nearly matching the shade of his blonde hair. “How… how did we not know?” He and his wife held a long look, and I gathered that they spoke mind to mind.

Their connection broke, and he returned his attention to me. “We knew they kept secrets from us because when we arrived in the Day Realm, they revealed your heritage, Princess Izidora. Kazimir had plenty of time to convey the information between arriving at Blire Palace and entering Aress Keep, but he chose not to disclose until he was under pressure to do so.”

“It appears the Night Realm holds many secrets. Who knows what else they aren’t telling us?” King Consort Geza mused,reaching for his wife’s hand across the table. I leaned back to provide them space to embrace.

“We must not ally ourselves with the Night Realm any longer,” his wife declared, and for the first time all evening, my chest loosened.

Their alliance was breaking apart, and there would be no war.

“The Crystal Realm will no longer ally with the Night Realm,” King Airre seconded, Queen Immonen also offering an affirmative nod.

“It is a relief that you understand the severity of our situation. Kazimir is dangerous, and as you can see, Izidora wants nothing to do with him. We are ready to be mated, married, and crowned in a few days. I hope you will remain in the Iron Realm following our wedding and coronation to celebrate with us.”

Ruslan certainly knew how to turn up his charm when he wanted to. Even after all this time, he continued to surprise me with different sides of himself.

I realized it hadn’t been that long – not really. Still, the way I felt about Ruslan transcended time, lifetimes even, and I simultaneously felt that I’d known him forever and would never know him long enough.

“Only if you continue to provide us with these delectable treats. I’m afraid my babe loves them a little too much,” Queen Viktoria chuckled, smoothing a hand across her belly.

“What the little princess wants, she gets,” King Consort Geza cooed, thumb brushing across the back of his wife’s hand.

The conversation returned to lighter topics, and Ruslan grinned impishly across the table, the heat in his eyes promising a thrilling celebration after we’d finished our royal dinner.

“Only a few more days until you’re mine in every possible way, sprite.”

“I can’t wait.”


Béke Day Eleven

Iknocked on the door to the Crystal Fae’s temporary residence after breakfast, having slept so late I nearly missed it. I’d been up all night again with Taya, whose sexual appetite was nearly insatiable. It was a good thing I had my own pent-up sexual frustrations to work out, and she was a good substitute for the female I truly wanted.

King Airre had asked me to come alone, so I snuck away from Endre, Viktor, Vadim, and Kaztar, who were all off gallivanting about the Iron Realm doing shit I didn’t care for as Ruslan continued to flash his obnoxious wealth for all the realms to see.

King Airre himself opened the door, much to my surprise, and he ushered me inside before peering up and down the hall, no doubt to ensure no one would be eavesdropping at the door. I strode into the room, brimming with self-confidence until the sight of Queen Viktoria and King Consort Geza stopped me in my tracks. Recovering myself, I said, “Ah, Queen Viktoria, King Consort Geza, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“Please, have a seat,” King Airre said from behind me, and I squared my shoulders before dropping onto a leather couch across from the monarchs of the Day Realm and adjacent to the chair Queen Immonen perched in. King Airre settled himself in a chair opposite his wife, and suddenly, the visit seemed more like an interrogation than a friendly chat.

“Is King Ruslan joining us?” I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral. Glancing around the room, I noted the absence of the Crystal Realm’s High Lords.

“No, it will be only us talking,” Queen Viktoria said, her eyes holding a hardness to them I’d never seen before.

The binding magic slumbering in my chest woke as I sensed a looming threat. Running a hand over my face, I tried to appear calm and collected as I reclined back against the couch. “What would you like to discuss?”

King Airre leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees as he leveled his gaze on me. “Kazimir,” he started, trailing off before clearing his throat and straightening. “You have not been completely honest with us.”

His informal use of my name irked me, but I waited for him to continue. When he didn’t, I asked, “How so?”

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