Page 92 of Light

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“Won’t everyone see my scars?” My brows furrowed as air ghosted across my bare back.

“Do you not want them to?” Ruslan cocked his head, subtle curiosity pulling up an eyebrow.

The scars that marred my back made my trauma visible, and anyone who had seen them thus far had sucked in a sharp breath of shock. I chewed my lip, debating the idea of baring them to our noble guests.

Ruslan’s rough fingers grasped my chin, pulling my lip from my teeth. “Your scars are a signal that you are a fucking survivor, sprite. That you remain unbroken despite them, and that you can hold your own against the most seasoned of warriors. One day, you will tell me the story of each one, and when you’re through, we will end the life of every male who inflicted them upon you. You will get the vengeance you deserve, and in the meantime, you will flaunt those scars like the badges of honor they are.”

The ferocity of his words robbed me of breath, and my eyes burned as I looked up at the male whose love for me was like a violent storm, tearing apart everything in its path to get to me.

“Thank you,” I whispered, blinking through blurred vision.

He planted a featherlight kiss on my forehead before releasing my chin. “I have one more surprise for you.” He produced a circlet inlaid with rubies, and I bowed my head, allowing him to place it upon my brow with a flourish. “Now, you are perfect.”

My cheeks flushed, and I perched on the edge of the bed while he changed into his attire.

Definitely the best view in the citadel.

A dark gray suit molded to his every muscle, perfectly cut to his powerful form. Atop his brow rested a crown of iron, pointed and severe in its profile. He looked every bit the king I wanted to rule my world. His hand stretched toward me, and without thought, I grasped it. “Time to go.”

My stomach was in knots as we walked the unfamiliar halls of Ryza. Every Iron Fae stopped to stare at their new king.

Word certainly traveled fast.

We arrived at the familiar courtyard where a path had been carved through the snow, allowing us a dry spot upon which to stand to greet our royal guests. Ruslan settled himself front and center, hands clasped behind his back, eyes trained downhill where Iron Realm soldiers lined the path to Radence. I took my place at his right hand; Drazen, who appeared from nowhere, at his left. I smiled warmly at him, glad he was by our side. He winked in response, nostrils flaring and letting me know he smelled exactly what Ruslan and I had been up to before our arrival.

Rares joined us along with a few other males I did not recognize. The Mage’s withered grin made my skin crawl, especially knowing the power he’d tried to wield over me.

I swung my gaze to Ruslan. His countenance was cool, calm and deferential, contrasting the nervous vibration that echoed in my bones. A rough hand found mine, and we stood in front of the doors to Ryza Citadel, the world dropping away as he offered me a devastating smile. We’d come so far since the day he snatched me from the Night Realm.

“How soon will our guests arrive?” I craned my neck, attempting to glimpse a head or two that might indicate the proximity of our guests.

“You should be able to see King Airre’s crown in a moment, my sprite.” Ruslan cupped my cheek, his smoky eyes filled with adoration, then tore his gaze away to our arriving guests.

My spine tingled in anticipation, and my body thrummed as King Airre rode into view, another king parallel to him. They were followed by pair after pair of riders, most unfamiliar to me. But then, two familiar faces crested the hill. Viktor and Endre. My heart pounded and adrenaline flooded my veins as both their eyes widened at the scene before them. I glanced up to Ruslan, but he only stared straight at them, a wicked smirk lifting the corners of his mouth, spreading into avicious smile as the last of the riders joined their party in the courtyard.

My stomach turned over as a familiar tug nearly sent me stumbling forward, and I returned my gaze to the last of the riders.

And then I saw him.


Béke Day One

Pounding dragged me from sleep.Fuck, where was I?Groaning, I sat up, my head fuzzy and throbbing, but that was not what roused me. The sound echoed through my skull again, and I pushed off the couch, knocking into furniture as I stumbled toward the door. Throwing it wide, I discovered Zuriel carrying a tray laden with food. The smell immediately turned my stomach.

He raked a critical gaze over me with narrowed eyes. “Are you drunk?” His normally melodic voice was flat and harsh.

“I was.” I rubbed my temples and eyes, the light spilling from the hall spearing into my skull. Backing away from the door, Zuriel strode past, placing the food carefully on a small dining table in my apartment at Ryza.Ryza.I was still at the citadel, which was why everything felt so off. Memories from the previous day burst in my mind, causing another painful throb. Where was Rares when I actually needed him?

And why did I drink somuch last night?

Zuriel spoke but my mind did not register it until he glared at me again. “What did you say?”

“I asked how Izidora was,” he repeated, a hint of annoyance breaking through his guarded exterior.

Guilt slammed into me as I realized I hadn’t checked on her the previous night before drifting off.

I was such a piece of shit.

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