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“Ruslan!” I gasped as my orgasm ripped through me, my back arching from the bed, limbs trembling, core clenching, eyes rolling into the back of my head as he continued to pound me, driving me higher, higher, until I was so broken from my release that I could only pant beneath him as he chased his own.

“Fuck, Izidora,” he groaned as his cock throbbed inside me, hot liquid squirting from it and coating my inner walls.

When reality returned to the front of my mind, I tensed, wondering what Ruslan would do now that I’d admitted to manipulating his emotions. As if he sensed the direction of my thoughts, he pushed himself up so that I was still pinned but he could look into my eyes.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Sprite, you are my favorite book. I can read you over and over again and continue to learn something new. As much as you try to hide your thoughts and plans, you can’t – not from me. We are too alike, you and I, and when we become mated there will be no more secrets between us.” He brushed his lips lightly over mine, a tender kiss that promised so much more.

“What have you been telling your father? How do you have this under control?” I motioned between us.

His face darkened at the mention of King Azim. “Only that you were falling in love with me and would do what I asked when I asked it of you.”

I narrowed my gaze at him, irritated that he assumed I was such a willing toy. “I am not interested in being a weapon in someone else’s war.”

“I knew you would never agree to it. You’re not the type of female who does anything she does not want to do. You would only spite the male who tried to force your hand. But my father could not know that, otherwise he would have broken your spirit. And I would never let that happen to you.”

Tears welled in my eyes at his confession. He’d protected me from his father, and I understood what that almost cost him, the fight he would have won if it weren’t for Rares’s intervention. “I’m so sorry I came between the two of you.”

Ruslan threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, my sprite, you really do not know, do you? I hate the man who sired me, who forced me to kill my siblings, who never truly loved me and only craved power. The whole time my father has been plotting to use you and I to conquer Északi, I have been plotting to kill him and take the throne with your help.”

Stunned to silence, I could only stare at the mercurial male who lay above me.He wanted me to help him kill his father? He played me this whole time as I tried to play him?

“So, Izidora, will you help me kill the male who tortured me?”


While the king of the Iron Realm may not have landed a blow to my body, he was directly responsible for the torture, rape, and abuse I suffered all those years in the cave. I nearly laughed as I remembered the countless times over the past months that I’d imagined killing him myself.

And then there was Ruslan, my broken male, who had suffered at the hands of Rares and King Azim. He was forced to grow up alone, like me. He was forced to fight for his life to earn a place here. He was my Demon-Dragon, his wings flared protectively over me as my thoughts swirled through my mind. He may have started as a villain in my eyes, but the more time I spent around him, the more I realized there was something elsebehind the mask he wore – a male who craved the love and acceptance he never received as a child, just like me.

“What’s the plan?”

Relief and fiendish excitement crossed his face at my question, and he pushed himself upright. He banished his wings and horns, returning to his Fae form, then held out his hand to me. We knelt before each other, a nervous tension filling the air as Ruslan spoke. “You will help me kill King Azim – today – before the feast begins. I will handle my father, but I need you to subdue Rares. His oath compels him to protect my father at all costs. That is, until I am king. Then he will be bound to me.”

I nodded. “I have one condition.”

He raised a dark brow but said nothing.

“I want all the Telivér trapped against their will to be free to choose if they want to stay or return home. No more experiments.”

“All the Telivér may go. But none of the Félvér,” he countered.

“Why not? What if they wish to return with their parents, to meet their families?” I challenged.

“They make up a large part of our army, and I will not leave the Iron Realm vulnerable to attack. I must protect you and will do so by any means necessary.” His iron-gray eyes darkened with the vehemence in his words, and I believed he would protect me until the very end.

I huffed, displeased with his answer but understanding his logic. “Fine.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” He tucked a lock of chestnut hair behind my ear, then rested his large palm on my bare shoulder.

I nodded, placing a hand atop his and stroking the back of it with my thumb.

Ruslan exhaled, long and slow, as if speaking his next words would relieve a heavy burden. “I’ve always wanted to let theother Félvér roam free across the continent. But with how the other realms are about blood purity, I knew they would never be accepted – that I would never be accepted. I want to change that.”

Sincerity was written in the line between his eyebrows as he waited for my response. “Then let’s change it together,” I grinned at him.

His answering grin was filled with wicked delight. “Good. Get dressed. We have a king to kill.”

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