Page 67 of Light

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She said yes.

Izidora broke our kiss with a giddy laugh and reached for the box. I tsked, then removed the ring myself and slipped it on her finger. It was perfect, and the glittering diamonds refracted every beam of light surrounding us. I kissed her hand, each knuckle, and then her lips once more, for once not denying myself the happiness I never thought I deserved.

The euphoria had not lessened when I finally retook my seat,lifting my spoon to the dessert. “Don’t worry, it is a cold treat. Dig in,” I encouraged Izidora, excited for her to try another of my favorites.

She cracked her spoon against the hardened surface, then lifted a large portion of custard to her lips, and my eye caught on the ring again, perfectly placed on her finger. “Oh my Goddess, this is incredible,” she moaned, the sound reminding me of how she writhed beneath me when I filled her completely.

A low laugh rumbled through my chest as I dug into my own dessert. Cedomir was truly a master at his craft. The vanilla was rich, and the texture was dense, and I already wanted another. We finished the last of the vanilla custard together, fighting over the tiny scraps baked into the seams of the cup. The giggle that slipped past her lips and the way she beamed at me made me want to capture her face in that moment so that it would be forever burned into my mind as a memory I could conjure on days we struggled against each other.

“So would you like to start planning our wedding now?” I asked, riding on the high of the moment.

A slight blush colored her cheeks as she finished the last of her wine. “Still for the same date?”

“If you’d marry me tonight, I would gladly take it. But otherwise, the same date.” I grinned, reaching across the table and taking her hand.

“Hmm,” she thought for a moment, her lips pressed together as she tried to suppress a smile. “I guess I can manage to wait another week or two.”

“There is something I can’t wait another week for,” I replied, voice dropping an octave. Her flush deepened and pupils dilated, and I did not waste my chance to scoop her out of her chair and carry her into our suite.

Cedomir could clean up later. I needed to make love to my betrothed.

Izidora giggled and kicked her feet as we wound down the spiral stairs, her ring flashing in the firelight as we moved from the living space to our bedroom. “It’s so beautiful,” she sighed, holding her hand out and admiring the stone.

“Not as beautiful as you in this dress,” I bantered. “Though, you’d be even more beautiful without it.” We had reached the bed, and I tossed her on it, forcing a shocked gasp from her throat. Her blue eyes glittered along with her smile, and as I yanked her to me at the edge of the mattress, she dropped her legs apart. Her chest heaved, breasts straining against the tight band that wrapped around them. Gripping either side of the skirt, I pulled, and ripping filled the air as threads strained and popped.

“Hey! I like this one,” she protested, but she made no move to stop me. Instead, she bit her lower lip in a calculated move that drove me wild.

“Then I will buy you another. But right now, I can’t wait for you to take it off. I need to be inside you,” I growled, shredding the last of the dress. Her arms were still trapped in the sleeves when I sank my lips to her center and tasted her.

“Fuck!” she swore, back bowing as I nipped her clit. My tongue ravished her core, sweeping up and down before diving into the most delicious dessert I would ever taste. Her nipples were hard and wanting, and I pushed one thigh down, opening her for me, while the other trailed up her abdomen to circle the nub. The sound she made when I rolled it between my fingers made my cock ache in the best way. It strained against my tight pants, the fabric digging painfully in.

I pulled away, leaving Izidora breathless and glistening. The ring on her finger shone in the dim light, visible over the sheets gripped in her small fingers. Slowly, I began unbuttoning my shirt, revealing my tattooed torso inch by muscular inch. Izidora’s eyes were hungry as they roamed the planes of my chest, and she bit her lower lip again.

“You know what that does to me,” I admonished, and she grinned around her teeth.

“I do,” she purred, sitting upright and crawling across the bed toward me.

My dick jumped in my pants.

The last of the buttons undone, I let the fabric hang across my body, gazing down at my future wife as she stopped before me. Kneeling, her fingers skimmed my waist, and I had to bite back a growl as she nearly brushed my hardness. Her touch continued up my torso, over every carved muscle, until finally she landed on my shoulders and pushed the fabric off them. It pooled on the floor behind me, and I wasted no time capturing her in my arms and kissing her roughly. Our bare chests rubbed together, and I tightened my grip, desperate to be closer.

Izidora tasted like sweet vanilla, and combined with her floral scent and her acceptance of my proposal, I was about to come undone.

Her nails dug into my shoulders, and I growled before forcing one to my pants and over my erection. She rubbed over it, and we groaned together. The buttons came undone quickly under her deft hands, and she shoved my pants down before gripping me in her soft hand and stroking.

“Fuck, sprite, you are everything to me,” I swore, stepping on the ends of the legs and removing my pants while simultaneously leaning her back on our bed.

Her hair fanned out behind and beneath her as I caged her with my arms and settled my hips between hers. Our gazes collided with an explosion of need and love and passion, fuckingeverything.

A moment passed as the world fell away, and it was only us, staring into each other’s eyes, a thread of fate tying us togetherand poised with anticipation for the moment our bodies joined. Slowly, I began to circle my hips, grinding against her. Izidora’s mouth popped open slightly as she sucked in a breath. Her eyes rolled back in her head as I brushed against her clit.

Gripping myself, I lined up with her entrance, forcing her eyes open and forward as we joined as one. “Sprite,” I croaked as her walls gripped me.

“Ruslan,” she whimpered in reply.

I moved slowly, taking my time drawing out to the tip before sliding all the way inside her, forcing her hips to roll backward with the depth of my thrust. Each one drew a breathy gasp from her perfect pink lips, and I throbbed inside her with the force of my desire. This moment was not about claiming and fucking; this was showing Izidora the depth of my devotion, the realest, rawest parts of me that she’d forced into the light.

I loved her so intensely, and it terrified me.

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