Page 48 of Light

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“Well, that was much easier than I thought it would be,” Vadim blurted when we were well out of earshot.

“There has not been a war on the continent in almost five hundred years. Fae always get bored eventually,” Viktor shrugged.

“Also, King Airre is mated, so he understands Kazimir’s plight,” Kaztar added.

As we approached the gilded doors that led to our room, Vadim stopped short, grabbing hold of Endre’s arm to stop him, wearing a serious expression wholly unlike his usual countenance. “We are going to war soon, so what I am about to say is because of that and not because I’m sentimental, okay? Sorry for being an ass last night, but my protective brotherly instincts got the best of me. Endre, I love my sister. And you are my brother, so I also want you to be happy. If Liliana is that, then you have my blessing.”

Endre pulled Vadim into a tight embrace, clapping him onthe back. “Thank you, Vadim. I will protect her with my life, just as you would.”

“My earlier threat still stands, though. If you hurt her, I will chop off your dick!”

We shared a laugh, then Viktor said, “You’re getting emotional in your old age, Vadim.” What was a light laugh turned into a roar, Vadim denying that he was either emotional or old. Kriztof’s laugh rang in my mind, and my breath caught as I thought of how he should be enjoying this moment with us, how much he would have enjoyed our banter. As if we all shared the same thought, the merriment died away. “I wish Kriztof and the twins were here with us now,” Viktor admitted. “Not that we don’t appreciate you, Kaztar.”

“No offense taken. I know you all were close, and I do not expect to replace them,” he said, continuing forward and pushing open the door to our suite, where his wife waited with Liliana.

“How did it go?” Domi asked, rising from her chair and crossing to greet her husband.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, grasping her hands in his open one. “The Crystal Realm will provide three hundred soldiers to the war effort.”

A grin broke out across Domi’s face, and Liliana whooped in excitement. “I can’t wait to slice up some Iron Fae,” Liliana snickered, jabbing her hand at an imaginary opponent.

I couldn’t disagree. While we may have already overcome our first hurdle, it was by no means going to be this easy on the rest of our journey. I would rather show up wielding intimidation than be laughed off from appearing too soft. We needed strength – I needed strength, and at that moment, the promise of assistance was not enough to keep me upright. Mind, body, and soul, I was exhausted, my pain pulling at me like I was a horse attached to the cart carrying the load. Rubbing my weary eyes, Idecided I needed to sleep, and after a quick glance around the room, I slipped away, leaving my friends watching Liliana and Vadim bicker about where she and Domi would be allowed in the battle formation.

The lock clicked into place when I shut the door. I didn’t want to be disturbed, and I fell into the bed, blankets still crumpled in every direction. Kicking off my boots, I flipped onto my back, tucking my hands behind my head as I stared at the crystal ceiling, and lost myself in memories of Izidora, Kriztof, and the twins.


I lifted my head, inky swirls painting the world around me.


The voice sounded like three feminine ones woven together, a slight echo at the end of my name. I whipped my head to the left, but there was nothing save for a handful of trees.


Spinning to my right, I saw three cloaked figures emerge from the fog, brushing away the somber clouds as they walked. I opened my mouth to speak, only to find that my lips would not move.


The word echoed all around me, reverberating off every surface and bouncing around my skull.

Her mates darkness will rise…

The line from the prophecy dripped with a hissing noise akin to an angered snake, and I felt as if one coiled around my chest, its fangs sinking into my magic well, injecting its venom into the moonlight that swirled there. I tried to suck down air, but my nostrils filled with thick, wet vapor, and with the constrictor around my chest I could not breathe.

My heart raced, panic gripping me as I clawed at my torso, trying to free it from an enemy that was not there.


That haunting voice had my head snapping up, and the three hooded figures towered over me, their faces and hands invisible among the folds of their black cloaks.


I jerked upright, my hands scrabbling for purchase around my ribcage, but it was bare. A sharp pain stabbed at the center of my chest, to the left of my magic well, and that red organ that beat for Izidora was bathed in darkness, spilling over from a newfound power taking root among the moonlight swirling there. A small corner of my mind knew something supernatural was at work inside me; but the Goddess worked within the light, and the new gift that threaded itself among the stars of my magic was a black so dark that every speck of light winked out.

Black ropes, unbreakable and corrupted, latched themselves over my heart, over my soul.

Binding magic.

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