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“So then, if she has claim to the throne, why are we discussing who else to crown when we, as her loyal council members, should be planning to rescue our monarch?” Viktor interrupted.

I smirked as Viktor laid his cards on his carefully crafted table of words. The two could try to backtrack, but they would lose face with the other members, who assessed them closely, their faces neutral as they analyzed their potential alliances.

Neither Vaklav or Tomaz spoke, both silently fuming at the trap they had so easily fallen into. “It sounds to me like we should vote on a war council instead,” Kaztar Rass ventured.

“I quite agree, Kaztar. And since my mate is the one whose life is in grave danger, I volunteer to lead the effort.” I laid my cards onto the table as well, daring anyone to challenge me.

A hush fell over the room as the information sunk in.

“Your mate? Are you certain?” Kaztar raised his brow in question.

“Yes. We have not yet accepted the bond, given the circumstances. But I have no doubt.” My voice was laced with conviction, and I held his gaze until he nodded.

“Viktor and I watched from the very beginning. It was Kazimir who led us on our mission to rescue her, and Kazimir who held her attention from the moment we found her. I think we all knew before he did,” Endre explained.

“I have yet to hear the full story of what happened to Princess Izidora. Can you please explain from the beginning? I am certain I am not the only one who feels left in the dark about the whole ordeal,” High Lord Jaku asked.

Sucking in a deep breath and flattening my palms against the cool wood, I launched into the tale of our discovery and subsequent rescue of Izidora, followed by our race to Zirok and journey here. I explained what I knew of Izidora’s abuse at the hands of the Iron Fae – and Night Fae, if Ruslan was to be believed – leaving out more personal details regarding the repeated torture and her unashamed killing of one of her abusers. Those were not my stories to share. I rounded off my tale by repeating what we had learned only yesterday about King Zalan’s involvement – a secret marriage contract between King Azim and King Zalan, the murder of Queen Liessa, and Izidora’s kidnapping.

Every male in the room was stunned into silence. Kaztar blinked repeatedly while he processed my words, fist covering his hard-pressed mouth. If I had to guess, his mind was on his wife, Domi, and what he would do had she been taken from himwith the same brutal force with which Izidora had been taken from me.

“All hail, Queen Izidora Valynor,” High Lord Jaku uttered.

“Long live Queen Izidora,” Endre, Viktor, Kaztar, and I chanted in unison.

The room held its breath as every eye trained on Tomaz Valintin and Vaklav Luzak. They glanced at each other, knowing they were outnumbered. “All hail…” they muttered, looking away and crossing their arms, pouting like children who’d had their favorite toy snatched from them.

“I second your appointment as head of the war council, Kazimir,” Kaztar pronounced loudly, shooting a deadly glare at Valintin and Luzak.

“I would like my second to be High Lord Viktor Adimik,” I announced. My friend bowed his head to me in acceptance.

Kaztar volunteered next, and then, of course, Endre.

Jaku stood, garnering the attention of all those around the table. “May I request that the traditional war council be expanded so that my house may join?”

Without missing a beat, Viktor instructed, “All those in favor, say ‘aye.’” There were four ayes and two nays. “The vote passes. Welcome, Jaku, we will be grateful for your expertise.”

The five of us had drawn a line in the sand with Luzak and Valintin. I smiled at the latter with enough venom that he shrank into his seat. “I think we’ll begin our first session now. Leave,” I barked. They both scampered from the room like dogs with their tails between their legs.

My chest loosened with the certainty that Izidora’s claim was safe, and instead I could focus on saving her again. I could not penetrate the Iron Realm alone, and we would need allies. This step was a necessary evil, but no matter what, I was going to get her back – even if I had to fall into darkness to do so. That darkness called to me, beckoning me to my dimly lit room at Zirok,where Izidora’s bright, aquamarine eyes pierced me as I moved inside her. My groin heated as I recalled the face she made when I buried myself completely in her, her pink pout spreading into an O while a whisper of breath passed her lips.

Viktor cleared his throat, bringing me back to the present moment. I settled in my seat at last, and Viktor spread a map across the massive council table in front of us, pinning the corners with weights before spreading figurines across the scaled map of Északi.

It was time to take down the Iron Realm.


The Agrenak Mountains peeked over the horizon, shadowed by the golden light of the setting sun. My brow furrowed as confusion swept through me.

How long had I been unconscious?

It should have taken weeks of riding to see the jagged, snow-tipped peaks this close. As if he could sense the direction of my thoughts, Ruslan whispered in my ear, “Aren’t the mountains beautiful? They are my favorite place on the continent. I could sit on a cliff’s edge for hours gazing over the vast landscape. Maybe I will show you my favorite spot.”

I cringed both at his closeness and the thought of spending any time with him, but my curiosity got the better of me. “Shouldn’t we still be weeks away from seeing them?”

His rumbling laugh raised the hairs on my arms. “You don’t miss anything, do you, my sprite?”

I rolled my eyes at the nickname, not deigning to respond. The only sound around us was the clip of the horses’ hooves against the hard-packed road. When it became obvious he had no intention of speaking, I snapped, “Are you going to tell me or not?”

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