Page 15 of Light

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“We have yet to honor our dead, whose bodies still remain with us. So, I request your support in delaying the engagement in light of recent events and with a looming war on our hands. I propose that, during the funeral, we reveal to the common Fae what truly occurred at the feast, save for a few minor details – like the engagement. We should also emphasize our unity onthis council and highlight our plans to rescue Queen Izidora. Any questions?”

Jaku was the first to speak. “I support you fully, High Lord Vaszoly. I do not see the engagement as valid, and I believe King Zalan acted maliciously in proposing it.”

I dipped my head respectfully in his direction. I didn’t need Tibor and Erik to voice their support to know they were with us, too. So, I looked at Kaztar, who almost certainly agreed with us, but I needed his confirmation regardless.

“What engagement?” he smiled wickedly.

My answering grin mirrored his. “Shall we draft a speech for the funeral?”

“I’d be happy to write it,” Tibor offered. Endre’s father was a great writer, and I’d happily read anything he drafted for me.

“While you are working on the speech, we have another matter to discuss,” Erik added. “My son reminded me of the upcoming Béke, hosted by the Iron Realm. We will need to make haste to reach Radence if we are going to stop along the way in Vlisa and Zheka to ask for the Crystal and Day Realms’ support in our war against the Iron Realm.”

Jaku challenged, “But are we actually planning on attending a feast meant to celebrate peace when we know they captured our monarch, and we are planning on waging war? Surely they know the consequences of their actions.”

“The other realms do not yet know, though, and that’s our advantage,” Viktor chimed in. “I doubt King Azim will reveal his actions by sending them a letter. He’s much more likely to flaunt it in everyone’s faces when we arrive. If we can convince King Airre of the Crystal Realm and Queen Viktoria of the Day Realm to ally with us, we could leave our armies waiting in the Day Realm and arrive as usual to the Iron Realm for the feast. If we recover Queen Izidora prior to attacking, it would put us at a strategic advantage. Her magic is very powerful.”

The High Lords around the room nodded as they thought through Viktor’s plan. His logic was sound, and no one could find much objection.

A knock sounded at the door, and Havel strode to open it. Liliana peeked her head in, mouth set in a tense frown. “May I please speak with High Lord Vaszoly?” she asked.

At least she could be polite when it mattered .

“Of course.” I nodded to the councilors, then slipped out of the room to speak with Liliana.

“Do you have their support?” she whispered.

“Yes. What’s wrong? Where is Vadim?”

She glanced around us, and seeing no one, leaned in closer. “I spoke with Mari and Viara, and their parents can’t stand House Luzak. But Luzan and Ivan told them that their father is allying with the traitors. All the male heirs are being sequestered with their fathers, Vadim included. Mari and Viara only saw them in passing as their fathers went to the Blue Room. That’s where they are all meeting. I snuck into the passages behind the room to see what I could hear. It’s not good, Kazimir. Valintin and Luzak have swayed a lot of them to their side. My father argued against it, but he was quickly overruled.”

“So, that’s like three against eleven?” I calculated.

“Pretty much. I spoke with the librarians as well, they are looking into options for you.”

“Thank you, Liliana. I need to get back in there. Lie low and don’t let anyone catch you spying, please. Vadim will kill me if anything happens to you,” I pleaded.

“I’m going to Izidora’s rooms. I’ll meet you there later,” she promised, then turned on her heel and walked briskly in the direction of the Royal Wing.

I re-entered the council room as Jaku and Erik were discussing who should speak at the funeral. “... Honestly, Jaku,Kazimir has the most to lose in this situation. We need passion, and he can show that.”

“But how will we prevent anyone else from speaking? If we get hijacked, this is all for nothing and our hands are tied,” Jaku argued.

They debated back and forth while I gazed out the window. Night had fallen, which meant that we didn’t have much time to plan. We all needed rest, having been up for the better part of two days. A heaviness encased my body, calling me to my bed, and I decided to act. “We need to get to the priestesses before anyone else. They will control the show, so to speak, and we need them on our side. King Zalan’s pyre will be lit first, and then the pyre for my father, since he is the next-highest rank. If we can convince them to allow me to light both, it will give me time to speak. Who wants to contact them?”

“I will,” Kaztar said. “You look like shit, Kazimir. Go get some rest.”

I smirked at Kaztar, grateful that he was stepping up. “I suggest we convene the war council early in the morning. See you all at first light.” Bracing my hands on the table, I pushed to my feet, my bones weary as I trudged from the room and toward the Royal Wing. Endre and Viktor weren’t far behind, their heavy footsteps the only sound tracking me at the late hour. We wouldn’t be sleeping apart, especially since in the coming days our brothers would turn to ash, and then they would only exist in our memories.

We found Liliana curled up in Izidora’s massive bed, her breaths slow, even, and deep. Endre’s peridot eyes lingered on her sleeping form, and I knew my best friend well enough to know he wanted to lie with her and comfort her. She was grieving like the rest of us, especially since she and Izidora had been instant friends. Her brother found us lounging in the sitting room, his face grim as he flopped down beside Endre.

“Tell me you have a plan, because otherwise we are fucked,” Vadim stated.

“We’re going to hijack the funeral,” I offered.

“Fucking Fates, Valintin is planning on doing the same,” Vadim groaned.

I ran my hand over my face and blew out a breath. “I need sleep. We’ll figure it out as we go along.”

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