Page 13 of Light

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“Not quite. Ruslan is the most powerful Félvér to ever exist. I heard the conversation you two had earlier. Everything he said was true, and there is much more to him than you realize.”

My limbs tingled with more fatigue than they had momentsbefore as my anxious thoughts came roaring back with yet another volley of unexpected news.

As if escaping wasn’t going to be hard enough, they had even more acute senses than Fae?

Was there any chance of saving myself?

Or would I have to rely on others once again to save me?

I ground my teeth as magic stirred beneath my skin. The white flame burned hotter under perceived threat, and that spear of crystal flared with light as I fueled the fire, my magic ready for my use at a moment’s notice.

My spirit would not die under the weight of despair.

I would figure a way out of this because I was an insidious bloom, and I knew how to play pretty while waiting for them to be cut by my thorns.

The light of the fire licked the shadows surrounding the camp, and I strategically selected a seat where I had my back to no male. The night was dark and deep with barely a whisper of wind rustling the bare branches above us. Yet sleep did not call to me, for my body once again coursed with adrenaline, surrounded by males with unknown intentions who had been instructed to guard me.

It was an all too familiar situation, and one I hoped I’d never experience again.

The brilliantly red and orange flames lulled me into a meditative state, their color blending with the woody smoke that filled my nostrils. The sharp pops of a crackling log punctuated the otherwise silent air around us, but all I heard was the snapping of whips that filled the ballroom and my cave the times when I was held down and beaten for my insolence. Shuddering, I refocused my mind on the prophecy and its vague words.

Her white light will fill the land.

All I knew was darkness until very recently, so how was it possible to fill the land with light? Every day was a battle of wills in my head: the side of me that wanted to rage and destroy anything and everything that hurt me, and the other that wanted to thrive instead of survive. The magic that filled my chest may be white and pure, but my soul was anything but; I had killed and would not hesitate to kill again if my life depended on it.

There is a choice

Follow the light

Descend into the dark

Was this about my inner struggle? Or something larger than myself?

My lips flattened, and I clenched my fist around the words that slipped through my fingers like sand.

Kings will fall

One king had already fallen – my father, at my own hands. Though, he wasn’t my father after all, but a narcissistic, mad king who preferred to rule through fear and took pleasure from lording control over others. Ruslan did not mention whether my real father, the Angel, still lived, but I presumed he’d died, given what I knew about King Zalan and King Azim. The power-hungry males got what they wanted, and he had likely outlived his usefulness.

My newfound heritage explained my white, seraphic wings. Half of my blood was Angel, while the other half was a mix of Night, Day, and Crystal Fae. It closed so many of the questions left open in my mind, and finally, I understood why my magic was different from my friends’. And if Ruslan’s claim that halfbreeds – Félvér, as Drazen had called himself and Ruslan – were more powerful than regular Fae, was true, then…

My breath soared on the wings of hope as realization settled over me like a warm blanket.

I was fucking powerful.

Ruslan wanted to use me as a weapon, so I would allow him to make me into one. When the time to deploy his weapon arrived, I would turn on him, bringing him to his knees, utterly destroyed under my wrath. And when I landed the killing blow, I would have slayed the last of the demons that haunted me.

I would be free.


Liliana was pissed. A promise of death lingered in her light green eyes as she stood, arms crossed, before Viktor, Vadim, Endre, and myself. The four of us were soaking wet, wrapped in wool blankets, seated in front of the roaring marble hearth in Izidora’s room. The cold water was refreshing, but we remained roaring drunk, trying to sober up under the ferocity of Vadim’s sister’s glare.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? You are drunk! You could have died. Then what would we do? Izidora would be gone forever, and as if losing Kriztof, Zekari, and Kirigin wasn’t bad enough, I would have lost all of you too! And while you four were drinking your sorrows away, I was following High Lords Valintin and Luzak. Kamilia still plans on marrying you next week, Kazimir! King Zalan announced it before he died, which means the engagement still stands unless another monarch chooses to break it. So you all need to dry the fuck up, because we have shit to do,” she seethed.

That sobered me up. I ran a hand over my face, remembering what happened moments before Ruslan disrupted the feast. High Lord Luzak’s disgusting daughter became my fiance.She had been after me for years, but even being racked and stretched wouldn’t make me touch her. “Is it too late to kill her? She could have died in the ballroom?”

Viktor and Vadim sniggered, and Liliana looked at me as if she would throttle me instead of Kamilia.

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