Page 69 of The Way We Play

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Miss Gina doesn’t want the furniture rearranged in her house for obvious reasons, but we had to make a path for the tree to enter.

Zane and I worked together to move everything out of the way, and I put tape on the floor so we could be sure we put every piece back where it originally was. We’ve been the absolute picture of professionalism since our lapse earlier at the massage table, which isn’t to say we haven’t exchanged heated glances or covert smiles.

My stomach is a zippy tangle of knots, and I don’t know what to think is going to happen next… or when it might happen.

“We’re coming around the left side!” The delivery guy waves his hands.

I duck and reach for a tiny ceramic figurine I’m not even sure Miss Gina knows exists. It could’ve belonged to her parents, and I don’t know. Someone might care for it.

Doing my best to protect her things, I fuss at the guys andmake sure they get the twelve-foot tree in front of the window like our dear employer wants.

I’m not sure what got into her head this year to want a tree, but she’s sweet to all of us. She gets what she wants.

After what feels like an hour of jumping and ducking—which was probably only twenty minutes—the big, beautiful tree stands proud in the front window.

When we’ve got the delivery guys safely away, Zane helps me put every bit of furniture in its original position. Then I go and find her.

“Doesn’t it smell amazing?” I hold her arm as we carefully enter the living-room-library.

I guess this entire wing is a library, considering how many shelves there are.

“My goodness. It’s so fresh!” Her brows rise, and I can tell she’s moving cautiously through the familiar space.

“Zane helped me put masking tape on the floor so we’d know where everything belonged after the men left. Not a thing is out of place.”

Her wrinkled hand grips the back of a chair, and she nods, smiling. “You did an excellent job.”

I glance over at Zane, who’s standing back watching. His eyes soften when they meet mine, and I almost forget to breathe. He’s never done that before.

Up to now, every time he looks at me, it’s been angry or impatient or worse, disinterested. I carefully smile, and the side of his mouth rises. Heat rushes through my veins at the sight.

He smiled at me.

“Tomorrow we can string the lights.” Miss Gina’s head tilts. “I think that’s something I can help you do, isn’t it? Since Zane is off on Thursdays.”

“Definitely! I’ll get the ladder, and you can help me wrap them around the tree.”

“I don’t like you on a ladder when I’m not here.” He uses the stern voice I know so well. “You could get hurt.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be very careful.” I give him a little eye roll.

“I’ve seen you faint.” His tone turns impatient.

“I told you, that never happens! I was in a hurry, and I should’ve just taken a beat, grabbed some candy?—”

“What’s this about? Why would you faint, Rachel?” Miss Gina grasps my hand. “Are you ill?”

“It’s nothing serious.” I slide my hand over the back of hers. “I have hypoglycemia, and if my blood sugar gets too low, I get light-headed. It’ssonot a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal if you’re on a ladder.” He is not letting this go, and I make astop itface.

“I’ve got it under control.”

His jaw tightens, and my favorite muscle moves with his annoyance. Good to know some things haven’t changed. I’ve kind of grown to like his sexy grumpy face.

“In that case, I’ll be sure we have plenty of sweets and cookies and soda…”

Miss Gina is listing all the sugary items she plans to have when the door opens with a knock. “Hello?”

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