Page 63 of The Way We Play

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Apprehension tightens my lungs as they go. It’s unexpected, and the closest I can get to understanding why I feel this way is remembering how Jack said he felt when Kimmie started kindergarten, watching her walk away with Mrs. Patience.

Even though he knew she was safe in school with people we know well, even though he would be just a few blocks away at the high school, he said he wanted to run after her and be sure she knew to call him if she needed anything.

He laughed at himself, telling us about it later at the restaurant, and Allie was practically swooning all over herself. That asshole has a lot of nerve hassling me about Rachel when Allie is right here, clearly in love with him—and his daughter.

I finally start the Jeep again and head out to the highway.

Rachel hasn’t left my thoughts since last night. Apologizing was the right thing to do, but so was closing that door.

She’s a beautiful, optimistic person with a whole world of possibility in front of her. She doesn’t need to be distracted by me. I’ll help her as much as I can, but I’m not that selfish.

I am confused when I see Logan’s Rover parked in the driveway. The house is empty when I enter, but it usually is. I’m sure I’ll find them in the pool or doing yoga or gardening. I need to figure out what to do about that elevator.

Walking to the office, I glance out the window to see Rachel’s massage table waiting. She keeps harping on giving me a massage, and I think I agreed to let her last night.

Standing here, in the light of day, I realize that was a big mistake. I don’t have time, and I don’t have…time.

I’m always in control.

When I turn back, Rachel is in front of me with a smile and a tall glass of bright red liquid. I nearly pitch my bag of tools.

“Shit, Rachel. Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

“I’m not sneaking!” She holds out the glass. “I thought you might like some cool hibiscus tea.”

“No, thanks.” I start for the stairs, but she hops in front of me.

“I just made it. It’s full of antioxidants and vitamins, and it reduces inflammation.”

“I prefer sweet tea.”

“I can add some sugar.”

My shoulders fall, and I give herThe Look. “You’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?” She’s in those green scrubs, and her hair is pulled up in a high ponytail.

She blinks her bright green eyes, and that sweet smile hits me right in the lower stomach. I exhale a growl and attempt to pass her. “Following me around. I asked you to stop.”

“I’m not following you. I made the tea as a thank you for what you did for my brother.”

“You don’t have to keep thanking me.”

“But I do. Allie told me it was your idea for him to be her library aide so he could get used to his new school.”

Her eyes are round like she might cry and I glance away fast. I’m not about to see that.

Redirect. “I should’ve talked to you about it first, I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing? I just thanked you!” A light laugh bubbles from her throat. “It was the sweetest thing. And I’ve got the table warming up for your massage. Miss Gina said they’re delivering the Christmas tree after lunch, so we have plenty of time.”

“No.” I try to pass her again, and again she blocks me.

“You promised.”

Our eyes meet, and the energy it sparks strengthens my resolve. I cannot let her put her bare hands on my bare skin. “I didn’t promise.”

“Are you afraid?”

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