Page 36 of The Way We Play

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My shoulders and neck are aching by the time we’re done, but I’m not saying a word about it.

The brothers’ group chat has kept my phone lit up in my pocket. Taking it out, I see more crap about missing my shot and how I’m only getting older.

Garrett takes the opportunity to let me know how at my age I should be worried my dick’ll stop working if I don’t use it. Hendrix asks if that can really happen, and I reply with the middle finger emoji before shoving the device into my pocket again.

“I noticed you went dark pretty fast.” Jack’s voice is a low tease behind me as I emerge from the small storage closet where I returned the ladder.

“Thanks for nothing.” I cut my eyes at him as I take the beer he’s holding out to me.

“For what it’s worth, I only answered his questions honestly.” Jack crosses his arms, looking at the small crowd filteringinto the restaurant. “Rachelisa nice girl, and Idothink she’d be someone you might like. If that’s what you want to do.”

We’re behind the bar near the side patio where the pool tables are located. A few guys are playing a game, and Allie returns from where she apparently just brought them drinks.

“Hey, Jack.” Her voice is a little breathless, and she blinks quickly. “How’s it going?”

“Doing all right. You?”

“Oh, you know. The same.” She waves her hand, and her cheeks turn pinkish.

Speaking of the good right in front of you…

“Austin really likes playing on the team. He says you’re a great coach.”

“Well, he’s a great kid. We’re lucky to have him.”

“Thanks.” The word comes out in a gush, and she hesitates a bit longer before nodding. “Well, I’ll see you then.”

“See ya, Allie.”

My brow furrows, and I look up at him. He takes another sip of beer and looks out the large window at the bay. I’ve known my brother longer than anybody, and I can tell something’s going on in his head. Allie’s a pretty girl, and Austin’s a good kid.

“I guess we all have our reasons for what we do,” I say.

Or don’t do.

Clearing his throat, he looks back at me. “Is this about her dad?”

“What?” That pulls me up short.

“Jayden Wells is Rachel’s dad. Is that why you’ve written her off?”

“You know about that?”

“It didn’t take much to put the names together. Hell, she practically did the work for us when she got here. She said her dad loved this place, and she was always curious about it. How many Wellses do you know?”

“Still, I didn’t expect her to be connected tohim.”

Jack inhales, nodding slowly. “Yeah, Jayden’s a real asshole.”

“She didn’t know anything about what he did.” I look down at my feet, and I recall her expression when I told her—first shock then embarrassment then something like resignation.

“Well, it was all pretty long ago. Before Dylan was born.”

I think back to that time, when Jack and I weren’t the heads of the family. When our actual parents trusted a man who shat all over them.

I remember my dad’s shock at Jayden’s betrayal. I remember the anger my mom felt when she understood my dad was more hurt over losing a friend than he was at losing a potential business deal.

Sometimes I wished she didn’t talk to me so much. Maybe I’d be less protective of their memory.

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