Page 33 of The Way We Play

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I bet I know where you can find some heaven…


And you call me a dork.

Walking out to the Jeep, I see Edward is alreadyin the back with his hoodie pulled over his head. Rachel is in the front with her hair down again in those bumpy waves. It was in braids all day tied on her head while she bounced around in the pool with Miss Gina.

She has the shade down, and she’s putting something shiny on her full lips. It’s not chapstick, but it doesn’t have a color. Somehow it makes her mouth even more luscious, and my cock twitches in my pants.The good right in front of me.

She looks amazing, and after Garrett’s texting all day, now I’m just pissed. I’m not banging Rachel.

Grinding my jaw, I drop my tool bag a little too hard in the back, causing Edward to jump.

“Sorry, buddy,” I mutter, and he shifts closer to the other side of the vehicle.

Climbing through the open door roughly, I don’t look at her sitting over there taunting me. How does she still smell like honeysuckle after being in a saltwater pool for an hour? And why did I say that about perfect being the enemy of good? I don’t supply ammo to be used against me.

“With all the excitement this morning, I didn’t get to ask you how it went with Eddie.” She shifts around to face me in her seat, and while I don’t look, I can still see her glossy lips in my peripheral vision.

Fucking Garrett. I’m not kissing her either.

I crank the Jeep and shove the stick into reverse, turning away from her to look over my shoulder. The sooner we’re on the road with the wind blocking out her voice the better.

She only speaks louder, tapping my arm. “How’d it go at the stables?”

I keep my eyes on the road. “He didn’t tell you?”

“He told me some, but you know how he is.”

“How is he?”

“So far, just like you!” Her voice rises. “How did it go? What did he do?”

“Keep your shirt on.” I cut her a glance.

She exhales, and a smile hints at her lips. “Okay. How did it go?”

“He’s right here. Just ask him.”

“Oh, my lord!” She drops her arms, and I can’t help a chuckle.

She’s so easy to rile up, and dammit, the angry pixie bit makes me want to fuck her.

“He did good. We started slow, but he liked grooming the horses. He walked Shiloh around the arena.”

“You had him mucking stalls.”

“We all do that.” I take the turn onto the road leading to the house. “We might try riding tomorrow.”

Her smile returns, and she puts her hand on my forearm. “Thank you, Zane.”

My throat tightens, and I give the Jeep some gas. We’re almost home. “Glad to help.”

“You are?” Her head tilts. “Why?”

“He’s a good kid. I don’t like hearing he was bullied at school. I don’t like hearing you had to defend him all by yourself. That’s not how we do things here.”

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