Page 29 of The Way We Play

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“What?” It’s a sharp question.

I point to the driveway, speaking quietly. “The ride home?”

“Yes. I’ll give you a ride home. Now stop following me.”

I fall back, watching his fine ass go, doing my best to catch my breath, before turning to the house. Miss Gina wants to do more water aerobics, and I need to cool off in the pool.

“What happenedto our fun dance music?” Miss Gina has a pink swim cap on her head with nylon feathers as we do our exercises. “I wore my fancy hat, and now I’m all dressed up with no place to go.”

“I’m sorry!” I can’t help a laugh. “I had to catch a ride with Jack this morning, and I forgot my Bluetooth speaker in my other bag.”

“I don’t have a Bluetooth speaker?”

“Not that I could find, but there’s not really a reason you should have one. They’re sort of a young person’s thing.”

“Sounds like it’s time for me to catch up with the young people.” She’s playfully pouty. “Get on my account and order me one.”

“I will, and I’ll be sure mine is always in my bag.”

We do a little more bouncing, but she’s right. It’s not as much fun without my drag queen music. I guide her through a grapevine movement, scissoring our arms back and forth in front of us.

“Why did you ride with Jack this morning? Why didn’t you ride with Zane and Edward?”

I glance over to where Mr. Grumpy is spreading mulch in the beds to prepare them for winter. “Zane works at a horse farm in the mornings before he comes here.”

“Yes, he does, and that Gloria Fruit keeps trying to steal my best handyman.” She lifts her chin defiantly, practically shouting. “She can’t have him!”

Her head is turned as if she’s speaking to Zane, and I sneak a look to where he’s wrapping burlap around her potted rhododendrons. Of course, he glances up at that exact moment, and when our eyes meet, it’s a flash all the way to my stomach.

“I’m not leaving you, so you can stop fussing about it.” His gruff tone is impatient.

Pressing my lips together, I look away quickly, but my ears are hot. His baseball cap is turned backwards on his head, and he took off his plaid overshirt. The top of his tee is still damp, and I do my best not to grin remembering my accidental attempt to drown him.

“But why was this morning different? Zane does that every day.”

We stop going side to side, and now stand in place circling our arms underwater. “Edward started equine therapy at the farm.”

“Ah…” She lifts her chin, nodding slowly. “So he had to stay longer today?”

“I think so?” I’m not really sure why they were longer, and Edward doesn’t give me any information.

“In that case, I don’t mind. What’s he doing now?”

“Edward? He checked all the kittens to identify the males. He’s not sure about one of the tuxedo ones. You’ll have to tell Dr. Moore?—”

“Edward’s a treasure. I meant Zane. Is he watching us? I bet you’re a looker in a bathing suit with all that yoga you do.”

“Miss Gina!” My eyes widen at her conspiratorial tone, and I close my mouth. “He’s winterizing your garden.”

“Ooo, I bet he could handle another garden, if you know what I mean.” Her eyebrows waggle, and her voice is too loud.

My face flames hot right along with my core—and in a swimming pool! “Idon’tknow what you mean.”I do.“I’m getting the underwater dumbbells.”

“Dumbbells,” she says under her breath, and I give her a shocked glare she can’t even see.

Taking the foam “weights” off the side of the pool, I hand them to her. “Hold these underwater and move them up and down. Feel that?”

“I do!” Her face lights.

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