Page 137 of The Way We Play

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It’s a short flow, and we finish sitting in lotus pose, focusing on our breathing. Our hands are in the prayer position, and when I peek at her, her lips are twisted.

“Namaste,” I say, and she lowers her hands to her lap.

“Is that my friend Eddie?” A genuine smile eases the tension in her face for the first time all day.

“I tried to be quiet.” Edward walks to where we’re sitting.

He’s holding a tuxedo kitten in one hand and a black one in the other. “I think Duke is growing faster than his brothers.”

“Show me.” She holds out her hands, and he puts the two kittens in her lap, holding them still as she reaches down to pet their little bodies.

I scoot closer, sliding my finger along the top of the solid black one’s head. “They’re so cute.”

“Swiper is the tuxedo?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He touches her hand. “He’s this one. Duke is here. I think he and Smokey had the same father.”

“Duke is definitely bigger than Swiper.”

“I thought Smokey was growing faster because they were feeding him scraps at the restaurant, but he’s the same size.”

Miss Gina reaches out to squeeze my brother’s arm. “You take such an interest in things. Gloria said you’re an excellent helper with the horses as well.”

Eddie’s lips pull down, and he pets Swiper. “I’ll miss them when I’m gone.”

My heart aches, and I want to tell him he’s not going anywhere. I want to pull him to me and tell him not to worry. I’ll protect him like I always do.

“You’ll have to excuse me.” Miss Gina stands abruptly. “I just remembered I have an important phone call to make.”

She hands Duke to me and leaves us sitting on the platform. Eddie stands, slowly walking to where Skye is stretching in the sun, waking up from a day-long cat nap.

His shoulders are curved, and my throat hurts. I take out my phone again, sliding my finger across the screen to read Zane’s last text.Don’t worry. I love you.

I’ve been fighting for Edward and me for so long bymyself. No one has ever had my back until now. It’s a new experience. Zane said this place is different.

Mom said I have the power to change what fate tries to throw at me and make a new path. I’ve lived my life believing I could do it, and I have to believe I still can, with the help of our new family.

We’ve found happiness here, a home, and I’m not going to let anything take that away.



“The contract transfers all rights and responsibilities for your son Edward to your daughter Rachel. If anything happens, you will not be held responsible or liable.” Olivia slides the papers across the polished surface of her wooden desk. “All you have to do is sign, and I’ll file it with the court.”

Jayden sits in a beige leather chair, frowning as he takes the document, turning the pages and scanning them quickly. “This means the school won’t bother me anymore?”

“They won’t have any grounds to involve you. Your parental rights will terminate.”

“Terminate.” His nose curls. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

“What don’t you like?” My tone is sharp, and Olivia’s brow lowers.

She very subtly shakes her headNo, but I’m ready to grab him by the neck and hold him down until he signs on the dotted line.

“It sounds like I’m abandoning my child.” He glares up at me.

My jaw tightens so hard, I’m surprised my teeth don’t crack. I want to ask how it’s any different from what he already did years ago, but I don’t.

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