Page 134 of The Way We Play

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Most of the attendees weren’t aware of Jayden, and the few who were, didn’t understand what was happening. Gloria helped Craig and Allie wrap up the tournament, and we promised to fill them in as they left.

Now it’s Jack and Logan, Miss Gina and Olivia, Rachel and me standing at the bar trying to formulate a plan.

“How did you stop it?” Rachel’s eyes are wide, and I can hear the desperation in her voice.

“Miss Gina was a big help. She stood beside me before the judge and made sure it didn’t happen.”

“What did she do?” Rachel looks from him to the old lady whose face is uncharacteristically angry.

“She’s got a lot of money and a lot of influence.” I put my hands on the tops of Rachel’s shoulders.

“I simply knew the town council,” Miss Gina interjects. “Nobody wanted to go on record as being the one who broke up the family of our local hero. We all came together and helped them see they were making a mistake.”

“It helped that it’s a small town,” Jack adds.

“We won’t have any of that going for us in Birmingham.”Rachel’s voice is quiet. “Jayden is no hero, and we don’t have influence on anybody.”

“No, but you have me.” Olivia steps forward. “I know several good family lawyers who will help us. I’ll draw up papers, and we’ll get him to sign over custody to you.”

“He won’t do that without some incentive.” Disgust is in Rachel’s tone. “He must owe somebody money. I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason he’s back, sniffing around.”

I motion to Olivia. “I’ll go with you to Birmingham. If you’re up for it, we could go tomorrow. If that’s okay with you, Miss G? I need to take off for a few days.”

“Do what you have to do, Zane.” Miss Gina reaches out to grip my arm, determination in her voice. “Protect our Edward.”

“Let me check on Mom, and I’ll make some calls.” Olivia takes Miss Gina’s arm as we start for the door. “If I can’t get away, I’ll find the best person to meet you tomorrow.”

We break it up and head back to the house. I’ve got some packing to do.



“Ishould go with you.” I’m standing in the center of Zane’s room, watching him pack. “I’ll just be pacing here, not knowing what’s going on, waiting to hear something.”

Edward’s asleep in his bed, and the whole house is quiet. My heart is beating too fast, and I feel panicky.

He pauses, frowning when he sees my expression. Stepping closer, he pulls me to him, wrapping his strong arms around me.

I’m surrounded by comfort, warm woods, and Zane. My eyes slide closed, and I hold him, doing my best to stave off the tears heating my eyes.

“Why won’t he leave us alone?” It’s a broken whisper.

Zane’s arms tighten gently, and he slides his hand up and down my back. “I’ll fix this. You won’t have to worry about him again.”

Releasing me, he steps to the closet for a suit, which he carefully places in his luggage. “We’ll FaceTime every day, and you can text me if you’re anxious.”

“How long will you be gone?” I look up at him, and he smiles, sliding his thumb along my cheek.

“Depends on what Liv is able to do. A week? Maybe less.” Leaning down, he kisses me. “Now get in my bed and tell me goodbye properly.”

We spend the night together. He makes sweet love to me, easing my mind and helping me sleep, but morning comes too early. I’m back to fidgety standing with him beside Olivia’s Lexus, holding his sleeve and not wanting to let him go.

Liv is dressed in a casual red sweater and jeans, but her expression is no-nonsense. “I told Mom we’d be back by the end of the week. I need to see if we can get a judge to see things our way.”

When we chatted last night, she told me she’s worked as an oil and gas lawyer for eight years in the Steel City, but she’s looking to move closer to home now that her mother is getting older.

I learned she and Garrett dated all through high school and were pretty serious, but they broke up when they went to different colleges. Dylan said something about a husband, but she’s not wearing a wedding ring. She’s really tall, as well as smart and a bit fierce, but a hint of sadness sneaks out on certain words.

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