Page 118 of The Way We Play

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“Fuck Jason, marry Henry, kill Robert.” Her shoulders droop, and Allie shakes her head.

“You disappoint me.” She frowns. “It’s clearly fuck Henry, marry Robert, kill Jason.”

“You’d kill Jason Momoa?” My eyes widen. “But he’s so big and hot!”

“That’s the problem.” Allie curls her nose. “He’s too sweaty. I’m thinking he smells like patchouli or BO. Or both.”

“He does not!” I cry, offended.

“I guess we know who Rachel’s fucking,” Dylan yells, laughing.

The screen door opens, and Zane enters the room with his brow lowered. That muscle in his jaw is tight, and he looks like he’s ready to rip somebody’s head off.

“Zane Bradford!” Dylan yells. “Get out! You are not a girl!”

“I’m getting fresh beers for me and Logan.” He slides the refrigerator open and takes out two Yuenglings. “Who are y’all talking about?”

“It’s fuck, marry, kill, now get out.” Dylan throws a rolled-up napkin at him.

“What does that mean?” He’s not leaving.

He’s actually acting jealous again, and I’m getting angry.

Allie explains, “We get three options, and we have to sort them.”

“Go.” Dylan hops off her stool and rounds the bar, catching his arms and pushing him to the door.

“Okay,” he exhales, cutting his eyes to me again.

This time our eyes lock, and the hint of a smile on his lips floods my body with lust—followed quickly by anger. Why is he in here snooping around like he’s going to do something? It’s just like with Sam Allen. He won’t let me talk to anyone, then he tells me we can’t be together. I bet Sam Allen wouldn’t push me into the Friend Zone after the kind of sex Zane and I had.

Reaching out, I grab a handful of Pizza Rolls to eat.

“Goodnight, ladies. Goodnight, Rachel.” The low vibration of his voice tickles my stomach, and I consider throwing them at him.

How dare he single me out?

Purple drink clearly makes me feisty, and I’ve clearly had enough.

Elvis sings “Return to Sender,” and I slide off my barstool. “I think I’d better call it a night or I might not make it to Thanksgiving.”

Dylan pulls out water bottles, placing one in front of each of us. “Hydrate while we clean up.”

Nodding, I open the bottle and take a long drink while eating a few more honey-toasts. “These are really good.”

“Thanks! They’re so easy to make.” Dylan reaches beneath the bar and pulls out a plastic container. “We can put them out as appetizers before lunch tomorrow.”

“Do you need help with prep?” Allie polishes off the last of the Pizza Rolls.

“Thomas and I have it covered. He’s already got the turkey marinating in the fridge, and I’ve got the dressing waiting to go in the oven. All you need to do is show up.”

“We have to do more than that.” I frown, tilting my head.

“You can help with cleanup!” Dylan laughs. “It’s my least favorite job.”

“Consider it done.” I help her stack the plastic containers in the bar fridge, and Allie gives us all hugs.

“I’d better walk home.”

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