Page 10 of The Way We Play

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“He saw Papa’s picture in your room.” Edward’s quiet voice comes from behind my shoulder.

Shit. Gran put Jayden’s picture in my things, and I was trying to decide if I was going to shove it in a drawer or throw it in the garbage. I’m leaning hard to the latter option.

Straightening my shoulders, I lift my chin. “Do you know him?”

Zane’s eyes flare. I wouldn’t be surprised if smoke came from his nostrils. “I was only a boy when yourpapaswindled my dad out of the downpayment on a restaurant they had planned to open together. He pulled out of the contract, leaving my parents holding the bag.”

My throat tightens, and embarrassment rises behind my ears. I’m quite familiar with my father’s selfish behavior, and I’m sure he’d have some narcissistic reason why he wasn’t to blame for whatever pain he caused. Yep, garbage.

“If it makes a difference, he doesn’t treat his own family any better. I’ve worked hard to distance myself from him, and now that we’re here, I plan to make my own?—”

“I’m not interested in your plans or why you’re here.” Zane’s jaw is tight, and the embarrassment in my neck moves to my chest. “Just stay on your side of the house, and I’ll stay on mine.”

My lips tighten. While I want to assure him I’m nothing like my father, I don’t appreciate the way he’s slapping a label on me I don’t deserve. He doesn’t know anything about me, and I’m ready to make the point emphatically.

I’m prepared to tell him he’s being a prejudiced jerk, but Edward sways behind me, softly humming “Particle Man.” He doesn’t react well to tension or raised voices, and I have to let it go for now.

So I look down, swallowing my desire to fight, and simply say, “Understood.”

Zane walks away, and my eyes drift from his broad shoulders down his strong back to his perfectly square ass in those jeans. I’ve never had an opponent, much less one who could be a male model.

My father ruined a lot of things for me, but I didn’t expect him to follow me to this beautiful place where I thought I’d have a chance at having my own life.

Now I’m back at square one, and I sure could use some drag queen music right now.

“I’msorry I had to leave so abruptly.” I lift Miss Gina’s brown cashmere scarf off the back of the chair and drape it over her shoulders.

She’s wearing soft white pants and a loose, long-sleeved shirt. A floppy, beige canvas hat is in her hands. She lifts it and plops it onto her head.

“You don’t have to apologize. Family first. I was worried about you, though. I hope everything is okay.”

My shoulders drop, which thankfully she can’t see. “I need a mantra for when life gives you everything you ever wanted, then takes it all back just like that.”

“My sister loves mantras.” Edward pipes up from behind me, and the old woman’s brows shoot up.

“Who is this?” She leans forward as if she’ll look at him, and her straight, gray hair falls forward on her jaw.

“Miss Gina, meet my younger brother Edward. He’s twelve.” I move my hand between them, even if it’s only for Edward’s benefit.

“Well, hello, Edward!” Her smile beams, and her blue eyes blink as she looks towards the horizon.

My brother turns to look behind him, confused. “What are you looking at?”

“Miss Gina is blind, Edward.” My voice is low, but it only makes her laugh.

“You’ll get used to me!” She stretches out her hand, which he shakes so briefly, I’m not sure it counts. “I’m pleased to meet you. I’ve heard you have a lot of personality.”

“You have?” I look from her to him confused. “Who told you about Edward?”

“Dylan was here last week. She said you have a brother named Eddie Nashville, and he’s quite a character.” Her voice is warm and genuine.

Still, heat creeps up the back of my neck. “Oh.”

“That’s my stage name.” Edward says it like everyone has a stage name,duh. “I’m not famous for anything yet, but when I am, it’s what I’ll use.”

“I like it, and I like your approach.” She stands slowly. “It’s good to be prepared, and Eddie Nashville has style. It reminds me of Paul Newman inThe Color of Money.”

“I don’t know who that is.”

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