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I clap my hands and laugh. “I love it. Even better, we can hide one on every tree. After Boxing Day, we’ll see if any of them are still there.

“Perfect. You hide this one. I’ll hide the next.”

As he hands it to me, my fingers brush his. My body shivers at the contact. I pull away, but my eyes stay glued to his. I didn’t think decorating a Christmas tree could get better, but having Owen here has improved the process. We get stuck staring at each other.

“What’s this?”

Spencer’s voice comes from behind us and we both turn. I expected Spencer to show up to help, but not so soon. It’s only noon. For a second day in a row, Spencer has caught me sharing a moment with Owen.

“You’re done earlier than I thought.” I walk over on stiff legs and kiss him on the cheek.

Spencer’s nostrils flare and his lips flatten. He takes myhand in a tight grip and stares at his cousin, even as he speaks to me. “I didn’t want to disappoint you. I have the rest of the day off. Father and Gerald are taking care of everything that needs to be done until after Christmas.”

He took time off for me. If he were only concerned for himself, he’d work over Christmas. He’s trying to make me happy, which makes my guilt over enjoying my time with Owen heavier. As we decorated, I didn’t think about Spencer once.

“That’s wonderful.” My voice sounds fake. I try again. “Thank you, Spencer.”

“I did it for you.” He plants a big kiss on my lips with no warning.

It’s a territorial and possessive kiss. I know why; it’s our audience. His arm wraps behind my back and pulls me closer like a vise. When he ends the kiss, I’m able to take a step back. My heart beat pounds in my head.

Owen stands next to the tree with his hands fisted at his sides. With a deep breath, his fingers loosen and he walks toward the door.

“Well, if you’re here now, Spencer, I guess I’ll go see if anyone else needs help.”

I watch his back until he disappears through the door. I try to push him from my mind and enjoy Spencer being here with me, but after that kiss, it’s hard. Harder still when Spencer turns off my music and looks at the tree like it’s a piece of abstract art he can’t understand.

“I didn’t like the way you kissed me,” I say. “I’m not your possession. Don’t do that again.”

The muscle in Spencer’s jaw ticks. “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. I don’t think of you as a possession.However, you are my fiancée. I don’t want you to spend any more time with Owen, ever, but especially not alone.”

His demand does not land well. I do as Owen did earlier and take a deep breath to calm myself.

“Again, I am not your possession. I can spend time with whomever I choose.”

He paces along the table and runs his hands through his hair. “Owen’s puppy-dog crush isn’t so little anymore. It’s the way he looks at you. Even Father has noticed, and it’s humiliating. Ellory had the gall to insinuate that you return his infatuation. I won’t have my family gossiping about us like this. It’s unacceptable.”

It’s good that this conversation is happening now instead of later. Like after we’re married.

“Spencer, if you think that our marriage is the type where you tell me what to do and I follow your direction without complaint, then you are wrong.”

His head snaps back like I’ve slapped him, and his feet stop moving. Maybe the shock will help him listen, and we won’t have this conversation again.

“Our marriage will be a democracy, not a monarchy,” I continue, keeping my voice even. “We discuss things and make decisions together. Yes, I understand your concern about me and Owen. We’re friends. I like him. I liked him before you proposed to me. But you have to trust me, just like I have to trust you. You’ll be spending a lot of late nights at the office, but I won’t be questioning your fidelity, so don’t question mine.”

His lip curls. “I would never have an affair. Especially not with someone at the firm.”

“I trust you that you won’t. Do you trust me the same way?”

“I trust you. I don’t trust him. And what about the gossip? My father and aunt have noticed yourfriendshipwith Owen, and they only see you together at meals. They haven’t had the misfortune of catching you staring into each other’s eyes.”

I’m suddenly exhausted and collapse into one of the dining chairs. It sounds terrible when he puts it like that and my anger drains away. “I can’t control gossip, Spencer, and it’s unfair of you to put that responsibility on my shoulders.”

After a moment, he nods, the movement sharp. “That’s true. But I still don’t like you spending time alone with Owen.”

Understandable. I may not like how Spencer treated me when he came into the room, but I understand why he did what he did. He isn’t blind. He can see how much I enjoy my time with Owen. I would be upset if Spencer was behaving similarly with another woman. This is horrible. I’m horrible.

I’ve chosen Spencer for practical reasons, survival even, and my heart needs to get with the program. My growing feelings for Owen are dangerous. I can’t sabotage my future and Nana’s because Spencer doesn’t make me feel the way Owen does.

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