Page 97 of Jay's Silence

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Jay’s blush spread down her neck. “I’m traveling with some guests.”

“Should they also be added to your accounts?” the vampire asked.

“Also?” Jay furrowed her brow. “Who else is on my accounts?”

There was an awkward pause before the vampire cleared his throat. “Bradly Cooper. You added him in April.”

Bradly sounded a lot like Brad, the name Caoimhe mentioned. Jay met my gaze before focusing on the ground.

“What charges has Bradly Cooper put on my accounts?” She asked in a neutral voice.

The sound of clacking keys filled the line. “The list is extensive, though his last purchase was over a month ago. Travel, including England, Ireland and Malta. Of course, all the hotels and food required for those trips. Bradly has much more expensive taste than you. He’s also made two large cash withdraws and several purchases from Magizone Prime.”

Jay jerked. “And where were those sent to?”

The line went quiet for a moment. “I can only see the transactions, not their shipping location. Jaiyana, is something wrong?”

Jay rubbed her arms. Although I didn’t know what was going on, I had a feeling she didn’t know who Bradly Cooper was. It sounded like he spent a lot of money. Although dragon shifters didn’t rely on currency, I was keenly aware of how important it was off our island.

“Did he clean you out?” I asked.

“Jaiyana,” the vampire's smooth voice edged with frustration. “You are obviously not with Bradly. You used a portal to get into my office, breaking every security system I had, and demanded Bradly go onto your accounts. Never have you put another soul on your accounts in the two hundred years we’ve been working together. You assured me you were in control of your own faculties and on a vital project.”

“Did I say what the project was?” Jay asked.

The vampire snarled, and not the rumbling snarl of a dragon, but something sharper and higher, which had me edging away from the phone. “No. You. Did. Not.”

The line went deathly silent, and it took me a moment to remember vampires didn’t need to breathe.

“Shall I take Bradly off the account?” The vampire asked.

Jay shook her head. “No. But immediately notify me of any transactions. What did this guy look like?”

“Human and living. I’m terrible at guessing ages. Possibly in his late forties. Your height, brown eyes, with short black hair under a ball cap. No distinguishing scars or markings. I will have a photo from my security camera emailed to you immediately. Shall I research him in addition to Drukpa Petit?”

“Yes,” Jay agreed. “Drukpa first, as his situation is active.”

“Active,” the vampire repeated. “And too complicated for you to explain to me right now.”

Jay smiled at the phone. “You know me too well.”

“Does this have anything to do with the unborn demons in the Ley Lines?” the vampire asked.

“Yes,” Jay said tightly.

“Then I will not press you now,” the sound of the vampire's fingers blazing across a keyboard filled the background of the call. “But if you do not fill me in, you will need to find yourself a new accountant.”

“Understood,” Jay said and hung up.

Our gazes met, and a silent stream of information passed between us—Bradly Cooper, who might go by Brad. We had a name, maybe more.

Jay’s gaze unfocused as she spoke to herself. This time, I didn’t call her on it.

“We need to get Caoimhe first.” Jay focused on me again.

I nodded in agreement.

She tapped her palm with her pointer finger. “Drukpa Petit, who I may or may not have stolen Gorm’s Casket from, now has my friend inside a medieval fortress. He’s loaded, also known as he has every human resource at his disposal with who knows what security.” She narrowed her eyes. “And for all we know, he could be a powerful supernatural as well.”

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