Page 72 of Jay's Silence

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I hit the colors, and for a brief moment, I floated. Then, like popping a water balloon, I fell again. The world of colors streaked past. I tried to brace my legs for impact, but instead of hitting the ground, I landed on something soft and sticky and immediately fell onto my injured side. Pain flared. I rolled to get away from it. Only for the sticky to join me and connect into a cocoon of webbing.

Spiders. Fucking spiders. Under London was still infested with them.

Now I was trapped in one of their webs.

Jaiyana, all-powerful, enchantress, after a thousand years, finally dies to unnamed spider number five.

The horn line forMambo Number 5popped into my head. I let out a single bitter laugh before forcing myself to lie prone in my cocoon of spider-ass string. Waves of hot pain throbbed across my road rash. Whoever made this web knew I was on it and would be showing up shortly unless it was busy eating my mates. My heart squeezed, but my brain worked on overdrive.

A little bit of fire burns so well

A little bit of water keeps me swell

A little bit of wind to fan the flames

A little bit of earth to keep me sane

I prayed my mates were close enough for me to use their magic and focused on Tyson’s fire.



Icarefully sliced through thick layers of webbing, holding one of the two bodies suspended in midair. Behind me, the spider screamed as I assumed it lost another leg to my fellow dragons.

White spider silk covered every inch of the cave. Smashed skeletons littered the floor. Dried-up cocoons, identical to the one I cut down, hung precariously; the arm of some grey creature dangled out of the base of one. Only two cocoons looked fresh, including the one I sawed at with my dragon claws. I would not let them suffer the same fate.

The spider might not have wanted to take on four dragons, but once we showed up in the heart of its lair, its eight eyes turned red with rage. The course hair on its legs wasn’t hair at all, but spikes, and it was fast, much too fast for its size.

Rehan bellowed, and his blue-scaled human body hit the wall on my left. The cocoon with the arm in it shook before the entire limb fell, hitting the water dragon on the head. Rehan pushed off the wall with an angry roar and sprinted back into the fight. Like Tyson, he charged the spider head-on.

I wasn’t a fighter, but I played enough strategy games to understand taking turns hitting the spider from the same side wasn’t an effective battle tactic.

A light voice let out a muffled hiss, and I turned away from the fight to focus on my cutting. Pale skin bled where my claws sawed a small hole in the thick sticky webbing. At least I knew the inhabitant was alive, but this was taking way too long. I changed tactics and climbed up the wrapped body to find fist-width threads, keeping it suspended and hacked at those instead.

If nothing else, we could carry the entire cocoon out of here.

The roar of flames tickled my dragon hearing, and orange flickered in my peripheral vision. I turned, just as another web caught like tissue paper.

“Og,” I bellowed. “Fire, help.”

The spider screamed and launched itself away from the flames. Its scream turned into a gurgle as Rehan used the distraction to gut it.

“Shite,” Tyson swore and rushed toward the fire, his hands in front of him.

Next to me, Og jumped onto the second ball and began hacking at the line it dangled from as well.

Tyson bellowed, and the fire billowed before funneling into his outstretched hands. Rehan pulled water from the very walls and drenched the areas the fire hadn’t touched yet.

The cocoon I worked on finally dropped. A painful oomph groaned out of it. I turned to Og, and together, we finished off the second cocoon and pulled them far from the flames.

For a brief second, we shared a grin before awkwardly looking away from each other. My stupid dick twitched, and I clamped my mouth shut.

“It’s too big for me to stop,” Tyson yelled, his chest straining. “Everyone clear?”

After getting each of our acknowledgments, he released the fire, and it raced down the spider web so fast the air crashed together behind it with little booms.. In seconds, fire stripped the caves bare and vanished down a branch I hadn’t noticed yet.

“That was Jay,” Rehan stated, a grin filling his face.

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