Page 52 of Jay's Silence

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His eyes gleamed, and I didn’t want to know what he’d ask us to do to pay those off.

“Not gonna happen, Cormac. I’ve got guys reviewing CCTV as we speak. If action is taken, it will be presentable in the media. Now back up, or I’ll make you.” Superintendent Kelly stepped away from his desk and toward Cormac.

“I’d like to see ya try,” Cormac snarled, his eyes glowing once more as fur grew over his body.

I jerked. A werewolf? I’d never seen one before.

In a blur of motion, Tyson kicked. Cormac staggered away from the bars.

“Tough fecker,” Tyson mumbled before striking out with his fist. The first hit the werewolf in the stomach, and the second mashed his toothy jaw. The furry man flew backward to the sound of cracking bones before hitting the concrete jail floor. His werewolf form receded.

The air filled with growls and snarls. The sound of snapping jaws cut through all of it, along with the overwhelming smell of not dog but something wilder.

“Bad do—” Tyson started to say.

“Tyson!” Jay snapped. “You’re in there with his entire fucking pack.”

Tyson straightened, squaring up against nine people in various phases of shifting. A shiver of fear ran down my back. I didn’t know enough about werewolves to understand the situation truly, but nine-on-one wasn’t good odds.

Keeping their leader's prone body between him and the rest of the angry pack, Tyson edged toward the cell door, which two of the superintendent’s officers were poised to open. In a single giant step, Tyson slipped out, and the barred door slammed shut behind him. He slid to my side, and we strode together to our mate.

As we approached Jay, Ogden took a step toward me before hopping backward so he could still flank Jay. My heart beat a little too fast. Maybe the earth warlock just wanted to heal me,or perhaps it was more. I still hadn’t talked to Jay, and I’d bet Og hadn’t either.

We had to figure this out. The longer we let this fester, the worse it would be when it finally came out. My gaze bore into Og, who steadfastly kept his eyes forward as if standing at Jay’s back was his sacred duty.



We gathered on one side of a metal table in the not-so-simple grey interrogation room. If I had my magic, the runes stitched into every seam of the padded space wouldn’t bother me. I could break all of them. Without my magic, the runes, which prevented shifting and created a negative magic void, much like the air king’s quartz, made a cold sweat bead on my skin.

The bright lights bounced off the table between us, and my dragon's blurry figures reflected off the edges, making us look like a busy cluster in front of the single, stoic superintendent.

I controlled myself and looked at the older, fatter version of the man I’d spent over two years working side-by-side with a lifetime ago. He’d been classically handsome back in the day, like a cop out of the shows in the eighties. If I was being honest, he still was but softer, with a lifetime of experience etched into his features. A wedding ring dug into his finger. He’d found love and embraced it.

I couldn’t look at my dragons. I’d done the opposite. My mind still spun from Rehan and Ogden’s interrogation. But I stood by what I said. Emotions weren’t tangible, just like thelittle fucking voice in my head that never shut up. I couldn’t fix either, but I could fix missing memories. Supposedly. So, I focused on the problem at hand.

I, apparently, saw my old friend less than a year ago. And I stole something before or after doing something similar but worse in England.

I leaned forward. “Tell me everything. What did I steal? Do you have any videos?”

The superintendent spun his wedding ring, eyeing me suspiciously. “Prove you’ve lost your memories.”

I held my hands up. “It’s better. Whoever stole my memories cursed me. I can’t use my magic either.” I pursed my lips. “If I had my magic, I would have already ripped the information from your mind. I wouldn’t be sitting here asking, you know this. You know me.”

A spark of memory passed across the superintendent's gaze. He reached forward and placed a hand on my arm, resting on the table. Twenty years ago, a stranger's touch would have set off protective spells with shocking results. Today, the weight of his hand settled on my skin without even a hint of magic.

Tyson stopped pacing at my back to growl low in his throat. Lux rested his metal hand on my shoulder, ready to pull me close. The superintendent sat back, lacing his fingers together over his stomach.

“Ah, they're a bit protective.” Heat rose to my cheeks, loving it despite how unnecessary it was.

“Dragon shifters.” Superintendent Kelly let out a humorless grunt. “Mythical magic in the world of magic. Why does it not surprise me in the least it’s you who found them?”

I turned my palms to the ceiling.

“It’s rhetorical.” Superintendent Kelly narrowed his eyes. “The demon pods floating in the Ley Lines, does that have anything to do with all of this?”

My hands floated as I weighed the pros and cons of answering his question. Technically, dragon shifters were still hiding on their island. An island no one knew about, so talking about our situation would get tricky fast.

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