Page 14 of Jay's Silence

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“Wiggles,” Tyson demanded. “Did you hear me?”

“I did,” I said. “And all of that’s good, but we need more. Could I get some light?” A ball of fire bloomed to life at Tyson’s fingers. I pulled one of Lux’s prosthetic arms out and blew a layer of dust off the bit that his stump slid into. Very worn metal met my gaze. “Hey, Og. Do you know how to cast a scrying spell?”

“A what?” Tyson asked.

“If you can get us a map.” I grinned. “Og can put a dot on it that says ‘princess trapped in tower here.’”

Tyson raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve never cast a scrying spell.” Ogden shifted his feet back and forth. “We don’t have any princesses among us, so why would we need that?”

“Ouch,” I put my hand over my heart as if wounded. “I thought I was your princess. You sure got over the mate thing quick.”

Og’s jaw dropped while Tyson belted out a laugh. “Maybe I’m glad you can talk.”

Og and I both glared at Tyson before Og’s entire posture fell. “That’s not funny.”

I quirked my lips, refusing to feel guilty. “I was calling Lux our princess, as he’s by far the fairest in the land. He’s even delicate – at least compared to you three – after living as a priestess for a year. An evil dragon king currently imprisons him. It’s the perfect role reversal. Let me have this.”

Og let out an unhappy grunt. “You’re my everything, Jay. I won’t let you forget it.”

I booped Og on the nose. “And, for now, I’ll accept it as truth.”

Og clenched his fists in frustration, and I grinned like the word-twisting little shit I was.

“It doesn’t matter how beautiful he is,” Tyson broke our stare down. “He’s got some extra equipment I don’t like.”

“You’re such as asshole!” Og shot past me to get in Tyson’s face. “His prosthetics are better than your sorry limbs.”

“I was talking about his pecker.” A shit-eating grin filled Tyson’s face. “No need to pick on the disabled.”

Og turned red in the face, and I slid between the two. “Save it.” I gave Og a gentle nudge toward the stairs. “Let’s go find something reflective. I’m teaching you a new spell.”

Og perked up, his excitement to learn new magic overrode his anger at Tyson. He trotted down the stairs, reminding me so much of a puppy it hurt. I physically could not have found four different extremes in personality if I tried.

I turned to Tyson. “There’s a fine line between endearing asshole and piece of shit. Find it and walk it. Og’s a good dog-er dragon. Don’t fuck him up like your dad did to you.”

Fire lit in Tyson’s eyes before it banked. He tore his gaze away from me. “He knows I was just messing with him.”

“If you say so.”

Tyson’s phone plinked in his hand, and we both looked down.

Lumpsucker:Flamboyant Cuttle Fish? Are you just googling weird names of fish to insult me?

Lumpsucker:I’m not sure if I’m disturbed or impressed.

Tyson pushed his screen into my face as if it proved something. Instead of blessing him with a pearl of fortune cookie wisdom about everyone being unique, I clamped my mouth shut. The less my dragons worked together, the more fractured we’d stay and the easier our inevitable separation would be.

Dick move, Jay. Who’s not walking the line between asshole and piece of shit now?



Itook a calming breath, reread Ogden’s text message, and pocketed my phone. Jay’s plan was set and ready to go.

I didn’t like it.

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