Page 122 of Jay's Silence

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“We need to go back,” Og said. “Ideally, before he implements any of his experiments. Gorm has to be hiding in fire territory.”

I nodded in complete agreement. “But first, I need to give you a crash course on demons and gods. I will not let you go into another situation blind.” I fixed my gaze on Masai Mara. Ourfight had cleared out any visible big game, but that didn’t mean dragons couldn’t find more. “The four of you need to indulge your dragons.”

They are a team.

We are a team?

My stomach twisted.

Their bond is growing without me. I have to be ready for every possibility, and that means giving them everything to build a bright future.

I waited for the little voice in my head to doubt me, but she stayed quiet.

Being happy was never that simple.



Iflew with my brothers, not by blood, but by a deep bond to our mate, in the setting sun. The smell of wild beasts and sharp predators flooded my senses. My drool rained onto the dusty desert. I wanted to dive down and hunt, but I waited, holding my place in our four-dragon diamond formation. Although my human mind swam with my mate's whirlwind of demon and god-fighting tactics, my dragon mind existed in a state of single-minded bliss.

We were hunting.

We weren’t alone.

When Jay screamed for help, my awareness of her other mates exploded into deep knowledge, which settled in my soul. We were a team. A family. Together, we could do anything.

The sun touched the horizon of the Sahara and lit the sky with deep reds and oranges. Rehan lifted his head and let out a roar. As one, we dove. Something musky and rich filled my nose, and a herd of deerlike creatures with thick brown coats, cow-like heads, and curved horns ran in the sunset.

The word wildebeest flashed across my dragon thoughts from my human half. At the edge of the thundering herd, alioness leaped onto the haunches of a running calf. The calf’s mother charged, only to be cut off by two of her fellow lionesses.

We soared up, and my view of the pack shifted into the purpling sky. After a short climb, we dove back down toward the running herd. Unlike the lionesses, we didn’t need to prey on the weak. But just like the lionesses, we worked together to split off a small group of wildebeest. My heart raced, in part from the hunt but primarily because of how we were doing it.

A team with one mind.

I gripped a wildebeest in each of my claws and happily landed on my back feet. I was still skidding to a stop when I sunk my teeth into the first of my prey—warm blood and meat fresher than I’d ever tasted coated my dragon mouth. Someone bumped into me. I took a moment to snap at Lux, who slid on his one leg to a halt with his front claw full before returning to my feast.

I’d barely finished off my food before the sounds of howling filled the air. Although not completely dark yet, the twilight brought out a new set of smells. A pack of the ugliest dogs I’d ever seen circled us. Their back halves looked too small, while their heads were too big. Stripes and spots covered their mangy grey coats, and saliva dripped out of their mouths. Hyenas. Once again, my human mind provided a name.

Tyson snapped at one, who darted away, giving a different hyena a chance to dart in and take a bite of flesh that had fallen out of Tyson’s mouth. Tyson roared and bit at that one, only to have a third do the same.

I rolled forward, regaining my balance on all four feet, intent on trampling the one I saw. But something popped into my head. That same instinct I’d never felt before clicked into place. Instead of focusing on the one, I backed up, finding Rehan doing the same.

Like a true pack, we herded the hyenas, maneuvering them where we wanted before the four of us struck together. Theywere slippery, nasty creatures, but after six died to our claws, the rest ran off.

Tyson lifted his head and bellowed into the night sky before dropping his gaze back to us.Mate.I didn’t really hear the word, but the thought hit all of us at once. We were in the air and flying before I gave my body directions.

I pumped my wings as the dark desert blurred under my flight.

The lights of the safari camp we’d made our temporary base of operations twinkled up at me. In moments, we’d shifted back into our human forms and found Jay’s bright eyes… well, one eye was swollen shut, so eye… waiting naked on the white sheets of one of the big four-poster beds. White mosquito netting fluttered in a slight breeze on either side.

We shifted, and I ran to her. “We left you injured.”

Jay sat up and grabbed my hand, pulling me forward. “Then heal me and show me what you learned.”

I pressed her back into the bed, drawing runes on her stomach so my healing magic would run through every part of her. I’d barely gotten the final rune connected when she gasped. Her thigh bumped my hip, and I found her legs spread wide with Lux feasting on her pussy.

When I didn’t move to claim her lips, Rehan steered me out of the way and captured them for me. I made sure my thigh stayed in contact with her shoulder. Blood rushed to my dick as not just my lust but all of ours rushed through me. I watched, running my hands up and down my straining erection as Tyson buried his face in her breasts. He kissed and bit each nipple until they peeked a dark cherry.

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