Page 9 of Silent Jay

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I growled low. It wasn’t inexperience. She’d read the map and bee-lined for water. After another moment, I pointed myself down. If she was in a hurry, traveling down would be faster than up.

It took me too long to realize my mistake.

The clash of Tyson engaging with another dragon in the air came from my backside. I skidded to a halt and pivoted, mychest rising and falling. Fire blazed between the bushy trees, and a giant brown dragon dropped a few feet in the blue sky before catching himself. I didn’t know if Tyson found Giggles, but if she’d run down the creek, I should’ve seen or smelled something by now.

I charged back the direction I came, a mad grin splitting my face.



The sun hung low in the sky. The first light pinks of sunset lit the puffy clouds, mocking my crazy flight without offering respite from the heat. Blood ran down a small slice in my upper arm, and I slathered it with more mud to hide my scent, trying not to think about the amount of animal shit I just introduced to an open wound.

I didn’t have magic to heal myself anymore. Was I still immortal? Or would I die because of an infected cut? I shook off my fears. I hadn’t suddenly aged. Whatever was keeping me from my magic had some limits. I just didn’t know them yet.

I crawled out of the second mud pit. A mad grin split my face, and a curse squeaked out of my lips. The adrenaline rush made my body hum, and my thoughts focused on the here and now. I loved obstacle courses and mud runs, though I’d not done one in years. Why had I stopped competing?

Because you did them all, twice.

Oh, right. Even doing things you love gets old after a while.

My stomach twisted painfully, growling with hunger. I grimaced.

I thought the dragons would get the point that I wasn’t interested hours ago. Fucking stubborn shifters. My burst of energy came to a crashing halt. I sagged against a tree. My tired limbs trembled from overuse. The initial thrill and joy of the challenge had long left me. I was running on empty, even after the rations I’d pulled out of my pocket. Healing took a lot of power from the healer and the healee, and I was probably still in a major deficit after my car accident.

I needed to call a time-out.

That’s exactly how dragons work.

Sarcasm. So helpful.

I snorted and grimaced again. Even that little noise had a hint of squeak to it.

I made it most of the way up this mountain, but my feet dragged. My goal to get to the top felt impossible.

With so many women to chase, why the fuck were they still after me?

The big red one roared as he caught the tail of a smaller dark blue one, attempting to dive down into the trees to my left. I raced forward into a thicker patch of foliage, unsure if either of them spotted me.

Branches whipped through the air on my left, making me jerk. A deep voice grunted in pain, and I gave a silent cheer. The one in the air wasn’t my immediate problem. The one chasing me on foot was.

Hopefully, my little booby trap annoyed him enough I could slip away. The mud caked to me helped keep my scent to a minimum, though it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t slow down. I lurched off the tree and continued my ground eating sneak toward the mountain top.

The first colors of sunset kissed the world as I broke the tree line. A tremor of fear that had nothing to do with fatigueran down my spine. As fun as pushing my mortal limits was, I needed my powers.

I slowed, keeping low, trying to create as little of a trail as possible. If I had my magic, I’d erase my footsteps and hide my scent. Fuck, for that matter, I could teleport myself in a heartbeat.

No, pull yourself out of this, Jay. You don’t have it, so use the tools you’ve got.

Even without my magic, I was a goddamn enchantress with a thousand years of experience! I’d won wars and battled monsters unknown to this dimension. I even sat through the entire Star Wars Holiday Special.

Branches cracked behind me.

Shut up, Jay, and fucking run!

Although my fingers danced, commanding the air to part around me and my weight to lighten, none of it happened. Instead, my tired, heavy limbs lumbered forward, making as much noise as a drum set. I cursed my inability to be quiet as an idea burst to life.

I ran faster, making as much noise as possible, even ‘cursing’ as my feet snagged on roots and tufts of terrain. A body appeared out of the tree line, hot on my heels and gaining. I forced myself to keep going up. The sound of my heavy breathing filled my ears.

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