Page 58 of Silent Jay

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I stopped eavesdropping and exited Rehan’s bedroom.

He looked up at me with a stupid smile on his face, and my heart fluttered. His security officer took his leave, and we slipped into the conversation pit, linking our ankles as we ate with the sound of the ocean washing over us. He gazed at me like I could do no wrong while l wondered what was actually running through his head.

No one trusted this quickly, right?

At precisely ten o’clock, an annoyingly patterned knock rapped on his door. Rehan grimaced but stood and pulled it open. Three human women walked into the hut, their arms filledwith large sacks. I recognized the Nymph-like redhead from the social.

“It’s you!” the woman squealed. She ran forward like we were best friends and hugged me around the waist. “I had a feeling.” She pulled away and bounced. “You disappeared, then Tyson disappeared. It wasn’t until Tenzin took me back to fire that we could see Prince Tyson circling and roaring into the sky. It was amazing and frightening at the same time!”

I chuckle-squeaked, picturing Rehan circling the hut after Tyson pissed him off. The two had that in common, at least.

My phone beeped, and I pulled it out.

Water loser:Your entourage is what Tyson said, and no more. Call my officer if you need something immediately. I’ll be back to walk you to the border.

I scowled at the name change Tyson had TECH program into my phone before responding.


Wiggles—aww, he still thinks of you as wiggles.

I don’t wiggle!

But you even noticed you doing it. De-Nial is not just a river in Egypt, you know.

I’m changing both of the names.

Although I wished Rehan had stayed to say goodbye, he was already late to meet with his grandfather. We were just friends, and he could come and go as he pleased. I wasn’t hurt at all.


The redhead introduced herself as Caoimhe. Although her eyes still sparkled, setting off every instinct I had that she wasn’t human, without a voice, I wasn’t sure how I’d even ask her. If I managed to, how could I trust her answer? She could be keeping tabs on me. Or even the person who brought me here in the first place.

She giggled as one of the older women showed her how to plug in the sewing machine.

I don’t think she’s the mastermind.

Yeah. Not gonna argue with that.

The third woman prodded me to stand. She draped me in white muslin while holding sharp pins between her lips before extracting them like teeth to mold the fabric to my form.

“Now, we got your measurements from Tyson’s moms,” Caoimhe explained. “It takes too long to order clothing, so we’re going make you some. Ah, I’m also learning how to do this for the first time, so yeah, um kay?”

I sucked in a deep breath but nodded. A reel of red silk came out of a sack. I raised an eyebrow and typed: Rehan’s going to shred the red.

Shred the red, nice.

Caoimhe didn’t notice my rhyme and gave me a solemn nod. “We brought some neutrals as well. Sienna here is an expert with colors. We’ll figure it out.”



Iglided toward a large speed boat floating on the sparkling ocean. Painted flames licked up the side of the fiberglass hull, telling the world it belonged to the fire dragons. It spit in the face of all water dragons and reminded every shifter who controlled our island.

I landed softly and pulled my wings into my human body to keep them out of the way. Like most dragons of my generation, my third eye was painfully underdeveloped. Technically, no one told me that, but based on Tukaqu’s stories of old, what I could see was only a fraction of what was out there. However, in the correct mindset, I could make out the brightest of the Ley Lines as if looking at a light with my eyes closed.

I hummed softly to myself and focused. A few faint cords of power rewarded my efforts. Our shield, the invisible dome of force, didn’t quite cut the Ley Line off, as all magic used the same energy, but it did warp it unnaturally, making a sparking haze of oranges and yellows where they connected.

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