Page 39 of Silent Jay

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I sucked in a breath and pushed down my libido before covering my eyes and pointing at the sausage hanging between his legs.

He tried to cover it with his hands but couldn’t quite get it all. “Sorry. A naked man’s probably the last thing you want to see right now.”

I bit my lower lip, ‘want to see’ was definitely in question. Not that I had a way to express that without my voice.

His dark blue scales shimmered in the moonlight, encasing his lower half in practical armored shorts which hid his dick. “Follow me.”

I darted forward and grabbed his arm, hopefully reassuring him it wasn’t a big deal. He covered my hand with his and led us toward a dark square at the top of the beach.

My new friend—at least I hoped he was my new friend—paused at a wooden door and unlocked it. He stepped into the building and flicked on an old-fashioned light switch. A bowl just inside the entry held a few bits, including hair ties. He grabbed one and twisted up a ponytail.

I gaped at him. The action looked so mundane after seeing him turn into a dragon and make armored shorts out of scales.

Rehan put out his hand. “Ah, you can come in.”

Heat flushed my cheeks, and I stepped into what I assumed was his home.

The exact opposite feel from Tyson’s high-end hotel apartment, Rehan’s light and airy beach hut smelled like sea air and man. The original shades of grey and blues were barely visible under Rehan’s collection of seashells, starfish, bottles, and homemade picture frames—dragons with dark blue hair filled every one.

Off to one side, a chair hung in a small conservatory. Stacks of books lined the back wall, with the top ones precariously close to toppling over. At the far end, a kitchen similar to Tyson’s sported dated yellowy appliances. It wasn’t the kitchen that drew my gaze but the middle of the room. A large round hole in the floor had a circular couch sunk into it, surrounding a fire pit. It looked like a fancy conversation pit from the seventies. I kind of loved it.

“Love,” Rehan said, returning in a pair of blue shorts.

One word said in his deep voice caressed my ears and sent a pleasant warmth across my skin.

He beckoned me to a side door I hadn’t noticed. I slipped through it and found myself in a moody dark bedroom with no windows, something much more fitting for a dragon. My heart fluttered, and I looked away from his simple, frameless bed to the tower of blankets stacked precariously against one wall.

Fire and water. Opposites even in their collections.

“I don’t have any clothing in your size, but we’ll fix that tomorrow.” He offered me a gray hoodie that smelled like salt, pineapple rum, and man.

We awkwardly looked at each other before he ran his hand down my arm and walked back to his main room. I let out a frustrated breath. It only took me a moment to locate his bathroom. I helped myself to his soap and took a quick shower, tearing out the updo Tyson’s dad had dolled me up with.

Joke’s on him. His hairdresser knew exactly what Tyson wanted.

I sucked in a tired breath and leaned toward the mirror, studying the second mark on my neck. The flame shape almost flickered with details. It parallelled Rehan’s wave on the opposite side. Magic. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of both scars even if I couldn’t sense their power.

Mate bonds were no joke. I’d never heard of magic able to fake one, but I’d lost track of, well, everything in the last few years. Maybe I was wrong. I had to be. How else could I have two?

I needed a way to start testing my blood and magic. A lab, maybe even my fucking crystal ball – not that it had ever been overly accurate, but its vague information was sometimes helpful. It was better than nothing, and right now nothing was all I had.

If I could find the tattooed dragon, he might have some answers. Or he might just have fun tattoos. I couldn’t count on anything.

I exited the bathroom, dried off, and dropped Rehan’s hoodie over my head. The water dragon wore a size up from Tyson, and it came to my mid-thigh. His scent surrounded me, making me light-headed, and my core tingled.

Oh, yes, you still need to get laid!

Fuck off. This is not working out for us.

He likes you.

Not again…

I pulled myself out of my thoughts before they went further and returned to the main room.

Rehan dimmed the lights and lit a small fire in the fire pit. The flickering flames reflected off his bare, sculpted chest. His piercing dark blue eyes watched my every move as I found the steps and joined him. He left a glass of water in a spot next to him, and a bucket of ice held a bottle of what looked like sparkling wine.

“It might not be appropriate,” he said, noticing where my gaze landed. “All things considered.” His eyebrows pinched, and he stood. “But you are my mate, and I’ve waited my entire life to find you.”

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