Page 24 of Silent Jay

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I growled. “Pointless classes. What a waste of time.” I yanked the tablet from her and opened up her paperwork, shoving it back in her face. She looked it over, her eyes widening before she glided to the couch and sank down.

Despite my annoyance, I dropped down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. Her warm skin under my fingers calmed my frustration. This wasn’t her fault. Maybe something went wrong with the class. Focused on her paperwork, she snuggled into my side as if our little spat hadn’t even happened. I loved it and had to stop myself from kissing the top of her head as she read.



Tyson’s arm around me turned into a leaden weight as I realized what I reviewed. I pushed away from the dragon, putting a few inches between us. His eyebrows knitted together with concern, and he crossed his arms over his bare chest.

My brain cells attempted to scatter just looking at his perfect muscles, but I pulled them together and flattened my lips. Betty’s genetics, IQ scores, and medical history were in my hands. This was a breeding sheet - like I was a fucking dog.

Anger and confusion clashed in my gut, making it twist uncomfortably. Why the fuck did he have this? And to take it one step further, how on earth did he think this was me? The height wasn’t even correct. And that headshot. I barely looked conscious, with half-lidded eyes and faint bruising on my cheek. My hair rested on the wood-paneled background like I was lying on the floor. A black smudge on the corner caught my attention, but even zoomed in, I couldn’t tell what it was. I zoomed back out.

Gray Eyes said whatever kept me from speaking would wear off soon. Well, it had been days now. I couldn’t even make a case for ‘soon’ anymore.

I took another steady breath and peeked up at Tyson. I’d learned a lot about my scaled lover who couldn’t touch me. He enjoyed sports, video games, and anything related to fire. He took classes online for business in order to help his people with their human trade deals. If he could leave the island, the first place he wanted to go was Scotland. He wanted to go so badly he’d incorporate Scottish words into his otherwise very American accent.

Tyson was a basic bitch. A dragon shifter living his life. I truly believed – with every fiber of my being – he was caught up in my abduction just as much as I was.

I looked down at the tablet again.

He explained The Hunt to me and how necessary it was for dragons to bond with their human mates. It hadn’t occurred to me until this moment he wasn’t looking for love; he wanted to procreate.


Yeah, shit.

“You didn’t fill out your application,” he said slowly, pushing down the bright screen so I’d look at him again.

Tension released in my gut. Yes, if Tyson realized on his own I wasn’t who I said I was, then maybe all of this could go smoother.

“You had a friend do it, and they put in all the opposite info.” He grinned like he’d struck gold, and my heart sank. “That’s why your pic is so bad too.”

I waved my hands in front of me, trying to get him to guess again.

“So, what’s the opposite of a long walk on the beach?” He crawled toward me, a devilish grin on his face. His gaze flicked down to my chest.

I rolled off the couch, but he expected it this time, capturing me between his strong arms on the floor. I wiggled my fingers, calling on my magic, but as it had for days, nothing happened. Giving up, I put my hands on his firm pecs.

“I’ve been waiting for you to touch me,” he purred.

Blood rushed through my body, flushing my system with heat and making a trickle of pent-up moisture slicken my thighs. But I wouldn’t give in, especially now I knew what he needed from me.

With another squeak, I bunched all my muscles and pushed like he was the goddamn bar at the gym.

He grunted in surprise as I lifted him off me. I couldn’t entirely throw him, but I managed to roll us, and our legs tangled as we came to a stop next to a glowing blue console tower with me on top. I grabbed his wrists and pinned him to the ground, though we both knew with his dragon strength, there was no way I was the reason he stayed put.

“Who are you?” he whispered.

My heart raced, and I released his arms.

Even before this, I asked myself that, and I didn’t have an answer. Somewhere in my thousands of years alive, I’d lost myself. I’d stopped caring and just started going through the motions, passing the time while the world changed.

For better or worse, this hunt was the most exciting thing I’d done since the invention of the steam train. Tyson made me feel alive. He was hilarious without meaning to be. A brat for sure, but his temper gave him passion and a zeal for life. His joy spilled into me, and our focus on each other distracted me from the black hole of depression which ruled my life.

But I was lying to him, pretending to be Betty to keep a low profile and figure out who trapped me here. No, it was more than that. I wanted Betty’s fantasy.

Wow, never thought I’d hear you say that.

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