Page 20 of Silent Jay

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Someone must really hate me.

I let out a dramatic sigh before narrowing my eyes at Tyson. He narrowed his eyes right back, a soft smile on his face.

Did he know why I was here? Was he in on it, or just a bystander? There was safety in being ordinary Betty until I figured out what was happening.

“Your eyes are incredible.” Tyson reached out and cupped my cheek, tilting my head slightly. “The green smolders. You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.”

My skin heated at his touch, and my brain melted along with it. No one should be this handsome. I giggled and batted hishand away. ‘You’re full of shit,’ is what I tried to say, but what came out was squeak squeak squeak squeak.

Enjoy this. He's super into you!

But why is he?

I took a calming breath and typed into the tablet before handing it back to him.

“My friends call me Jay,” Tyson read, his eyes crinkled. “That’s an odd nickname for Betty, but anything for you.”

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Taking the tablet back, I erased what I wrote and replaced it with concern about my voice.

Tyson stood and stepped behind me, wrapping my shoulders in his arms. “I don’t know. But it won’t change us. If it starts hurting or something, we’ll call a healer. Otherwise, we’ll ask when we emerge as a bonded pair in two days.”

He kissed the top of my head, then yelped and jerked back. I shot up into a wide stance with my arms out, ready for anything. But his kitchen still only held the two of us.

Tyson rubbed his lips like they burned. “Feck the water dragons.”

I waved my hands, hoping it conveyed confusion.

Tyson pulled me to him and set his palm against the base of my neck. My heart thundered in my chest. Fear and arousal heightened my senses. He tapped my new scar under my ear with this thumb. “The water fecker mate marked you.” He growled. “That should be my mark.” Fire glowed in his pupils. “I’ll get it sorted. You can trust me. You're mine now.”

A shiver of need ran down my body, despite, or maybe because of, the possessive violence in his voice. It was an effort to step back, but I did. I wasn’t a woman easily controlled. And I wasn’t a possession to be owned by either dragon.

“I’ll figure out how to fix it,” he said, misunderstanding my anger. He nudged me toward the couch. “I’m sorry, I’ll explain everything. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”

He placed his hand on my arm, and my earlier anger vanished. My heart fluttered like a goddamned teenager.

I sank into his dark leather couch. Instead of sitting on the other side, he dropped into the middle and pulled my legs over his lap, rubbing my calves. “I’m Tyson, and I’m a fire dragon shifter.” I blinked at him, and he narrowed his eyes. “You should know all of this already. They told me you took a class and everything.”

I nodded sagely. Betty would have taken that class, but I didn’t. So I urged him to continue by batting my eyes and looking expectant.

Tyson sighed. “There are four clans based on the four elements of life. Fire is best.” He puffed out his chest. “We are the dominant clan.”

I looked at him skeptically.

“You’ll see.” A shit-eating grin filled his face. “The first Continuar Pelota, you’ll be cheering me on from the stadium. I’m our point and the best point we’ve had in the last fifty years.”

I squeak laughed. Was this guy for real?

His eyebrows drew together. “Why are you laughing?”

I started to shrug, but he scowled and retrieved his tablet, shoving it into my hands. I sucked in a breath and eyed him. What would translate best through text: honesty, sarcasm, or a blanket lie to stroke his ego?

My calves protested the lack of attention, but I refused to admit it and pulled them off his lap, crossing them so I could lean toward the shifter.

I mimicked his shit-eating grin. ‘Your ego needs its own apartment.’

Tyson raised his eyebrows in disbelief and blinked at me. I chewed on my lower lip, my stomach churning as I waited for his response.

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